stringr: Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations

A consistent, simple and easy to use set of wrappers around the fantastic 'stringi' package. All function and argument names (and positions) are consistent, all functions deal with "NA"'s and zero length vectors in the same way, and the output from one function is easy to feed into the input of another.

Version: 1.4.0
Depends: R (≥ 3.1)
Imports: glue (≥ 1.2.0), magrittr, stringi (≥ 1.1.7)
Suggests: covr, htmltools, htmlwidgets, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat
Published: 2019-02-10
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre, cph], RStudio [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <hadley at>
License: GPL-2 | file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: stringr results


Reference manual: stringr.pdf
Vignettes: Regular expressions
Introduction to stringr
Package source: stringr_1.4.0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: stringr_1.4.0.tgz, r-oldrel: stringr_1.4.0.tgz
Old sources: stringr archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: acs, AnDE, BiGGR, cchsflow, dataPreparation, easyPSID, eqs2lavaan, EstimationTools, exsic, eyeTrackR, FCSlib, Fgmutils, filesstrings, FRESA.CAD, geotopbricks, goProfiles, installr, kstIO, LindenmayeR, lmomPi, Maeswrap, MethTargetedNGS, micropan, microseq, mtk, muRL, neuroim, norris, OmnibusFisher, orgR, pafdR, patchSynctex, PersomicsArray, PhysActBedRest, pMineR, pmxTools, pxR, ReadDIM, recoder, RegParallel, RGENERATEPREC, rsurfer, SICtools, sim1000G, snpReady, sqlutils, ssh.utils, strex, String2AdjMatrix, SummarizedBenchmark, surveybootstrap, TBFmultinomial, tumblR, VarfromPDB, vfcp
Reverse imports: abcrf, abjutils, abseqR, accept, ace2fastq, actel, ADAM, ADAMgui, addinsJoaoMelo, addinsOutline, admixr, aemo, AFM, AGread, aire.zmvm, akc, ALA4R, alfr, allestimates, AlphaBeta, alphavantager, alpine, ALPS, aMNLFA, AmostraBrasil, amplican, antaresRead, anyflights, apa, ApacheLogProcessor, appreci8R, APSIM, aqp, arcos, ARDL, arealDB, Arothron, artMS, asciiruler, asciiSetupReader, ASIP, aslib, asremlPlus, assignPOP, attachment, auk, autota, autothresholdr, BacArena, BAGofT, BallMapper, BaMORC, banocc, banxicoR, BARIS, basecallQC, BasketballAnalyzeR, BatchGetSymbols, BAwiR, bayesbr, BayesFactor, baymedr, bbsBayes, Bchron, bea.R, beakr, beautier, beepr, bestSDP, betalink, BETS, bib2df, bibliometrix, bibtex, bigPint, binomialMix, bioacoustics, biocompute, BiocPkgTools, BiocWorkflowTools, biogeo, BioInstaller, biomaRt, biomartr, bioseq, BioTIP, bipartiteD3, BIRDS, bitmexr, BivRec, blaise, blandr, blastula, blkbox, blscrapeR, BMRSr, bold, boostr, boxr, bracer, branchpointer, breathtestcore, breathteststan, brendaDb, bridgesampling, broom, broom.mixed, brr, bsplus, BTLLasso, bupaR, BUSpaRse, cabinets, calpassapi, cansim, carat, causact, CausalQueries, CB2, cder, celda, CellNOptR, cellscape, CEMiTool, censusr, CGPfunctions, chartql, checkLuhn, cheese, chilemapas, chipenrich, ChIPSeqSpike, choroplethr, chorrrds, CIAAWconsensus, cicero, cimir, CINdex, circRNAprofiler, classyfireR, climaemet, CLME, Cluster.OBeu, clusterExperiment, clustifyr, clustringr, CMapViz, cnum, CNVPanelizer, CNVScope, coalitions, codebook, CoFRA, cogena, CollapsABEL, collector, collidr, colorfindr, colormap, commentr, compareDF, compcodeR, completejourney, compstatr, concordance, configr, configural, confoundr, Conigrave, consensusSeekeR, convergEU, coRdon, corporaexplorer, correlationfunnel, cosinor2, covid19france, covid19us, covidregionaldata, crandep, cranly, CRANsearcher, crimedata, crispRdesignR, cromwellDashboard, crossmeta, crossword.r, crplyr, crtests, cruts, ctsGE, customProDB, cvms, cyanoFilter, cyclestreets, czso, d3Tree, dabestr, DAMEfinder, dann, DAPAR, daqapo, dartR, DatabaseConnector, datacheck, datadogr, dataframeexplorer, datagovsgR, dataone, datapackage.r, datasus, dcanr, DealGPL570, DeepBlueR, deepdive, DEGreport, DeLorean, depigner, describedata, detector, detrendr, devFunc, DEXSeq, dfConn, DiagrammeR, diceR, difconet, diffEnrich, diffeqr, dipsaus, disk.frame, distcomp, distill, DistributionFitR, dkanr, dmai, dmdScheme, dMod, DNABarcodeCompatibility, doc2concrete, docxtools, Doscheda, dotwhisker, dplR, dplyrAssist, dragon, drawProteins, drumr, dscore, DSpoty, DSSAT, dynparam, dynutils, dynwrap, easyalluvial, EasyMARK, easyr, ebirdst, ecce, eclust, edbuildmapr, edbuildr, edeaR, edgar, eemR, EFAtools, efts, elementR, ELMER, emba, emuR, ENCODExplorer, entcn, eph, EpiDISH, epos, epuR, erccdashboard, escalation, etl, eurostat, EventPointer, EventStudy, Evomorph, exampletestr, exams.mylearn, ExcelFunctionsR, explore, eye, eyelinker, ez, ezpickr, facerec, factorEx, fastLink, fastquant, fbar, fbRanks, fcaR, fcoex, featuretoolsR, febr, FedData, feedeR, fgdr, fgeo.plot, fhircrackr, finalfit, findR, fingertipscharts, fipe, fishualize, fitbitScraper, fitzRoy, flair, flattabler, FlickrAPI, flowSpy, flowWorkspace, foieGras, foodingraph, freqtables, FSK2R, fssemR, ftExtra, funModeling, futureheatwaves, fuzzyjoin, g3viz, GADMTools, games, ganalytics, gastempt, gbfs, GCalignR, GCSscore, gen3sis, genBart, GeneBook, geneHummus, genemodel, genepop, GeneStructureTools, genius, geniusr, GenomicInteractions, GenomicTools, genscore, geocacheR, geouy, geoviz, gesisdata, GetBCBData, GetDFPData, getLattes, GetLattesData, GetQuandlData, GetTDData, gfcanalysis, gfoRmula, ggasym, ggdag, ggetho, ggformula, ggfortify, gginnards, ggiraphExtra, ggmap, ggmsa, ggpage, ggplotAssist, ggplotgui, ggpmisc, ggPMX, ggquickeda, ggResidpanel, ggthemes, GIFTr, GillespieSSA2, gitlabr, GladiaTOX, GlmSimulatoR, glmSparseNet, Gmisc, gms, GOexpress, googlesheets, gpuMagic, graph4lg, gravitas, greekLetters, Greg, gridtext, grobblR, GroupBN, gscaLCA, gsheet, gt, gtsummary, gunit, gutenbergr, HaDeX, hadron, HCABrowser, HCD, healthcareai, healthforum, helda, hereR, heuristicsmineR, hgutils, HiCBricks, highcharter, HiLDA, HistogramTools, hoardeR, htmlTable, HTSSIP, hurricaneexposure, huxtable, hybridModels, HydeNet, hydroscoper, hypeR, hypercube, i2dash, iai, IATscores, IDCard, ideal, ideamdb, idmodelr, idr2d, igate, ijtiff, imager, imdbapi, immunarch, immuneSIM, implicitMeasures, insee, insurancerating, intmed, IntrinioStockAPI, iNZightTools, io, IONiseR, ip2location, ipeadatar, IRISMustangMetrics, IRISSeismic, ISAT, IsoCorrectoR, IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR, isomiRs, ISOweek, ISRaD, ItemResponseTrees, jabr, janitor, jcext, journalabbr, jrc, jstor, JunctionSeq, kableExtra, kayadata, KDViz, kehra, keyATM, keyringr, kgschart, knitr, KnowSeq, kntnr, kokudosuuchi, kuniezu, LAGOSNE, latex2exp, latte, lavaanPlot, lazytrade, lcsm, leaflet.extras, ledger, lefko3, lifelogr, liftr,, linguisticsdown, link2GI, lipidomeR, litteR, LLM, lmem.qtler, LOGAN, LoomExperiment, loon.ggplot, LowMACA, m2r, madrat, mailR, managelocalrepo, MaOEA, Mapinguari, mapscape, MarginalMediation, MAST, matlabr, mau, MazamaCoreUtils, MazamaLocationUtils, MazamaSpatialUtils, mboxr, mcp, MDTS, MEAT, medExtractR, memapp, memoria, messaging, metacoder, metagam, metagear, metagene, metagenomeFeatures, MetaIntegrator, metaseqR2, MetaUtility, methylGSA, MetID, metools, metR, metsyn, mgm, micromapST, microsamplingDesign, migest, migrbc, MIMSunit, miRLAB, miRNAtap, missMethyl, mixIndependR, mixl, mlergm, mlr3shiny, MMAPPR2, mmaqshiny, MMeM, modelsummary, modeltime, moderndive, MODIStsp, Modstrings, MOMA, monocle, moonBook, MOSim, motifbreakR, mpoly, mRpostman, MSbox, msPurity, MSstats, mtconnectR, mudata2, muir, multicolor, multinma, mumm, nandb, nanotatoR, narray, nationwider, nCopula, needmining, neonUtilities, netchain, netgen, networkreporting, NeuralSens, NFP, ngsReports, nhanesA, nhdR, nichevol, nlmixr, nlrx, NMF, nmfgpu4R, Nmisc, NNS, NNTbiomarker, noaastormevents, nparACT, nucim, numbersBR, nzilbb.labbcat, oai, obfuscatoR, oceanis, ojsr, omicRexposome, omu, onemapsgapi, openCR, openPrimeR, OpenRepGrid, OpenRepGrid.ic, optim.functions, OptimaRegion, optiRum, optiSel, optiSolve, oRus, osmose, osrmr, outreg, oxcAAR, packagefinder, panelr, parcats, parsemsf, partition, pbixr, peakPantheR, pepr, PerseusR, peRspective, pewdata, PGA, phantasus, pharmaRTF, phenofit, phenomap, phenopix, photobiology, photobiologyInOut, photosynthesis, phuse, phybreak, piecepackr, pingers, pipefittr, pkgmaker, PlaneGeometry, Plasmidprofiler, plethem, plotGrouper, plotKML, pm4py, pmml, pointr, polAr, polished, politeness, pollster, pollstR, polywog, PopED, PortfolioAnalysis, postGIStools, povcalnetR, powerbydesign, pre, precautionary, PrecisionTrialDrawer, predict3d, priceR, primerTree, primirTSS, prism, prisonbrief, Prize, processanimateR, processcheckR, processmapR, processR, profr, profvis, projects, promote, promotionImpact, proPubBills, ProPublicaR, proustr, prozor, pryr, psichomics, psychmeta, psycho, psygenet2r, PubMedWordcloud, pureseqtmr, PWFSLSmoke, QAIG, QCAtools, qMRI, qPLEXanalyzer, qrcode, qsub, QTL.gCIMapping, QTL.gCIMapping.GUI, qualtRics, quantable, quantoptr, r2dictionary, r2rtf, r2shortcode, R2ucare, radiant.model, radix, radlibs, radsafer, RAINBOWR, rainette, ralger, RAMClustR, randomcoloR, rapport, ratios, ratPASTA, rattle, rAvis, rawr, raws.profile, RBaseX, rcellminer, rClinicalCodes, RclusTool, rcrossref, RCT, rdi, RDML, rdnb, readabs, readJDX, readsdr, readtextgrid, redcapAPI, RefManageR, regexTestR, regions, regrrr, relSim, reproducer, reshape2, retrosheet, RevEcoR, revengc, rexposome, rfacebookstat, rFIA, rfishbase, RFishBC, rgenius, rgeopat2, Riex, Rilostat, RInno, riskclustr, RJafroc, rkeops, rKolada, rlc, rlme, RLogicalOps, rmarkdown, rmdcev, RmecabKo, rMorningStar, rmweather, rmytarget, RNASeqR, RNeXML, rNOMADS, robotstxt, rodham, ROMDB, RonFHIR, ropenblas, ropercenter, roxygen2, rpcdsearch, Rpolyhedra, rPraat, rpredictit, rprime, Rprofet, rpubchem, RPyGeo, rrtable, RSAGA, Rsagacmd, rScudo, RSDA, RSentiment, rsinaica, RSiteCatalyst, rslp, rsnps, rsppfp, RSqlParser, rSQM, rt, RTCGAToolbox, rtimicropem, RTL, rtmpt, rubias, rUnemploymentData, rusda, rwebstat, Rwhois, ryandexdirect, rym, ryouready, safetyGraphics, salty, sapfluxnetr, saqgetr, sasMap, satscanMapper, sbpiper, sbtools, scholar, schrute, scientoText, scipub, scopr, scorecardModelUtils, scPCA, scPipe, SCtools, sdcTable, SDMtune, searchConsoleR, secr, secrettext, secuTrialR, seer, SEERaBomb, SeerMapper, selectr, semtree, sensobol, sentryR, sevenbridges, shinyEventLogger, ShinyItemAnalysis, shinyloadtest, shinyMolBio, shinyNotes, shinyobjects, shinyrecipes, ShinyTester, shinyTree, ShortForm, SIAMCAT, sidrar, sigInt, simPH, simplecolors, simplevis, simr, SingleCellSignalR, SIRE, sismonr, sistec, siteymlgen, sketcher, skimr, skynet, SLEMI, smpic, snakecase, snapcount, sobir, socialmixr, sociome, SomaticCancerAlterations, spAddins, spant, spatsurv, spectacles, speech, spellcheckr, sperrorest, spind, SPLINTER, spread, sqliter, squashinformr, SSBtools, SSHAARP, SSRA, ssrn, standardize, staRdom, statar, stationaRy, statnipokladna, statquotes, steemr, stickr, stlcsb, stm, stminsights, stormwindmodel, stplanr, strandCheckR, StratigrapheR, stringformattr, striprtf, STRMPS, Structstrings, StructuralVariantAnnotation, subspace, suddengains, SunsVoc, supernova, survivalAnalysis, survtmle, swatches, sweidnumbr, SwimmeR, swirl, swirlify, swissparl, syllabifyr, SynMut, synoptReg, systemPipeR, tableschema.r, tabshiftr, tangram, TargetSearch, taxa, TCGAbiolinks, TCGAbiolinksGUI, TCGAutils, TcGSA, tealeaves, telefit, templates, tenispolaR, TestDimorph, TexExamRandomizer, textmineR, textrecipes, textreuse, TFARM, thinkr, threeBrain, ThreeWiseMonkeys, tidycat, tidycensus, tidycomm, tidyfst, tidyft, tidygate, tidygeoRSS, tidyMicro, tidypmc, tidyquant, tidyquery, tidyqwi, tidyREDCap, tidyrules, tidystats, tidytext, tidytidbits, tidyverse, tigris, timelineR, timeOmics, timescape, timetk, TIN, TLBC, todor, tosca, totalcensus, TPP, TPP2D, tracktables, traineR, treeman, trendyy, trialr, tRNA, tRNAdbImport, tRNAscanImport, tspmeta, TSTr, ubiquity, ucbthesis, ukbtools, unheadr, Uniquorn, uptasticsearch, urlshorteneR, utilsIPEA, vagalumeR, valr, VarBundle, vardpoor, varsExplore, VDAP, vembedr, vennplot, vetools, vhcub, viafr, viromeBrowser, ViSiElse, vizdraws, vortexR, vosonSML, vows, vpc, vqtl, walmartAPI, wavClusteR, wbstats, webchem, webr, webTRISr, whatr, wiesbaden, wikilake, wikipediatrend, wordbankr, workflowr, wux, wyz.code.offensiveProgramming, wyz.code.rdoc, x.ent, x12, x12GUI, xesreadR, xml2relational, Xplortext, xpose, xROI, yatah, yhatr, ymlthis, youtubecaption, Z10, zipangu, ztable, ztype
Reverse suggests: altair, anomalize, arsenal, autoTS, BayesMallows, bayestestR, bdpar, beadplexr, blogdown, brickr, ClimClass, CluMSID, covid19nytimes, cummeRbund, customLayout, cytominer, dccvalidator, depmap, diffdf, docknitr, dtree, eeptools, envDocument, ethnobotanyR, eudract, exuber, fec16, fgeo.tool, fhidata, fivethirtyeight, flexpolyline, fontMPlus, frequencyConnectedness, GDINA, ggenealogy, glue, gluedown, golem, GSIF, hal9001, heemod, httk, implyr, infer, inferr, legislatoR, lemon, MARSS, miscset, modelplotr, mvrsquared, NBAloveR, newsanchor, nima, nseval, oolong, optparse, origami, outcomerate, oxcovid19, plotROC, pqsfinder, proDA, ProjectTemplate, pspline.inference, pxweb, QTOCen, ragtop, RcmdrPlugin.WorldFlora, regmedint, regsem, repr, rex, rfordummies, rmonad, Rnits, Rpoet, RVerbalExpressions, scaffolder, SeqVarTools, simPop, simstandard, sincell, soilDB, SoundexBR, sparklyr, states, stats19, sweep, swfscDAS, syuzhet, taRifx, tfdeploy, tidylo, tidySEM, tikzDevice, tracerer, transplantr, TreeAndLeaf, tvthemes, uavRmp, unpivotr, usmap, valaddin, vegdata, vitae, vkR, wingui, WorldFlora, wsrf, xgxr, zFPKM


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