htmltools: Tools for HTML

Tools for HTML generation and output.

Version: 0.5.0
Depends: R (≥ 2.14.1)
Imports: utils, digest, grDevices, base64enc, rlang
Suggests: markdown, testthat, withr, Cairo, ragg
Enhances: knitr
Published: 2020-06-16
Author: Joe Cheng [aut], Carson Sievert ORCID iD [aut, cre], Winston Chang [aut], Yihui Xie [aut], Jeff Allen [aut], RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Carson Sievert <carson at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: NEWS
In views: ReproducibleResearch, WebTechnologies
CRAN checks: htmltools results


Reference manual: htmltools.pdf
Package source: htmltools_0.5.0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: htmltools_0.5.0.tgz, r-oldrel: htmltools_0.5.0.tgz
Old sources: htmltools archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: SmarterPoland
Reverse imports: algo, aniview, antaresViz, aoristic, aos, argonDash, argonR, auth0, azuremlsdk, basictabler, bea.R, BETS, billboarder, bioacoustics, BiocPkgTools, blastula, blogdown, bookdown, bs4Dash, bsplus, bubblyr, CaPO4Sim, CEMiTool, chromoMap, codebook, colourpicker, condformat, corazon, corrgrapher, crosstalk, cubeview, d3r, dash, dashboardthemes, datadigest, dataMaid, daterangepicker, dccvalidator, deckgl, desctable, dextergui, DiagrammeR, Director, distill, documenter, downloadthis, dragon, DT, dygraphs, EBImage, echarts4r, eph, epiflows, epivizrChart, esquisse, fabricerin, FastqCleaner, flexdashboard, flextable, formattable, fresh, GenEst, gfonts, ggiraph, ggvis, gitlink, golem, GomoGomonoMi, googleway, gotop, gt, HARtools, highcharter, Hmisc, hrbrthemes, htmlTable, htmltidy, htmlwidgets, inlmisc, jquerylib, kableExtra, leafem, leafgl, leaflet, leaflet.esri, leaflet.extras, leaflet.extras2, leaflet.minicharts, leaflet.opacity, leafletCN, leafpm, leafpop, leafsync, leaftime, learnr, listviewer, mailtoR, manifestoR, manipulateWidget, mapedit, mapview, metaseqR2, metathis, metricsgraphics, mgwrsar, microplot, minidown, miniUI, mmaqshiny, mschart, mwshiny, oncrawlR, pagedown, papayar, phantasus, pivottabler, pixiedust, pkggraph, plainview, plotly, pointblank, polished, ppcSpatial, processanimateR, processmapR, psichomics, questionr, r2d3, radarchart, radix, RagGrid, rAmCharts, rcrimeanalysis, reactable, reactR, regexTestR, regressoR, repr, rgl, rmarkdown, rmdformats, rms, Rnightly, rolldown, rpostgisLT, rwebstat, sass, scrollrevealR, semantic.dashboard, sergeant, shiny, shiny.semantic, shinyaframe, shinybootstrap2, shinyBS, shinybusy, shinydashboard, shinydashboardPlus, shinydisconnect, shinyDND, shinyEffects, shinyFeedback, shinyFiles, shinyglide, shinyHeatmaply, shinyjqui, shinyjs, shinyKnobs, shinyloadtest, shinylogs, shinymanager, shinyMobile, shinypanels, shinyreforms, shinyservicebot, shinyTime, shinyWidgets, sigmajs, simplevis, slickR, slideview, sortable, sparkline, summarytools, sunburstR, table1, tableHTML, tablerDash, tables, tangram, texPreview, threeBrain, timevis, tint, tippy, tmap, tosca, trackr, trelliscopejs, tufte, vdiffr, vdiffr, vegalite, vegawidget, vembedr, visNetwork, vov, waiter, widgetframe, xaringan, XKCDdata, yonder
Reverse suggests: antaresRead, BiocStyle, ClassifyR, CNVScope, colorDF, covr, cqcr, crunchy, ddsPLS, dipsaus, dotdot, ExPanDaR, ExploreModelMatrix, expss, fastshap, fontquiver, FSelectorRcpp, gdtools, GeneTonic, gganimate, hystReet, i2dash, idr2d, iheatmapr, insee, ipumsr, iSEE, iSEEu, LDAvis, motifStack, networkD3, Onassis, opera, parcoords, parlitools, pcaExplorer, plotGrouper, plotlyGeoAssets, polmineR, profvis, projmgr, qtlcharts, reactlog, rhandsontable, rpivotTable, rvg, RxODE, SDMtune, segclust2d, stats19, stringr, svglite, svglite, svgPanZoom, tabr, testextra, tibble, trackViewer, uavRmp, ukpolice, unpivotr, ursa, VarSelLCM, ViSEAGO, vitae, xfun


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