shinydashboard: Create Dashboards with 'Shiny'

Create dashboards with 'Shiny'. This package provides a theme on top of 'Shiny', making it easy to create attractive dashboards.

Version: 0.7.1
Depends: R (≥ 3.0)
Imports: utils, shiny (≥ 1.0.0), htmltools (≥ 0.2.6), promises
Published: 2018-10-17
Author: Winston Chang [aut, cre], Barbara Borges Ribeiro [aut], RStudio [cph], Almasaeed Studio [ctb, cph] (AdminLTE theme for Bootstrap), Adobe Systems Incorporated [ctb, cph] (Source Sans Pro font)
Maintainer: Winston Chang <winston at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 | file LICENSE [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2) | file LICENSE]
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: shinydashboard results


Reference manual: shinydashboard.pdf
Package source: shinydashboard_0.7.1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: shinydashboard_0.7.1.tgz, r-oldrel: shinydashboard_0.7.1.tgz
Old sources: shinydashboard archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: gwdegree, iAdapt, paramGUI, TCGAbiolinksGUI
Reverse imports: aaSEA, adapr, alevinQC, arena2r, BayesianFROC, BayesianNetwork, bdchecks, bdclean, bdDwC, bea.R, bestSDP, bigPint, bridger2, CaPO4Sim, corporaexplorer, cromwellDashboard, dccvalidator, debrowser, DEP, DiscoRhythm, discoveR, Distributacalcul, Doscheda, dragon, eAnalytics, elaborator, elementR, EventDetectGUI, ExploreModelMatrix, Factoshiny, frailtypack, GDINA, genBart, geodrawr, GerminaR, GMSE, gratis, GWSDAT, iCOBRA, ideal, iSEE, levi, matman, MCPModPack, memapp, mlr3shiny, modchart, modgetxl, mplot, MtreeRing, OpenRepGrid.ic, pcaExplorer, periscope, piano, PKconverter, plethem, polished, revtools, RLumShiny, RtutoR, seasonalview, shinydashboardPlus, shinyEffects, ShinyItemAnalysis, shinyML, shinyr, simPATHy, spotGUI, SSDM, sstModel, stminsights, teachingApps, toxEval, trackeRapp, Ularcirc, viromeBrowser, wilson, wiseR, yuimaGUI
Reverse suggests: blockCV, CrossICC, eSDM, fresh, getTBinR, GMCM, IOHanalyzer, phenocamr, powerlmm, rAmCharts, rrvgo, schex, semantic.dashboard, sen2r, shinyWidgets, snotelr, SqlRender, taipan, UCSCXenaTools, VOSONDash, xROI


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