iAdapt: Two-Stage Adaptive Dose-Finding Clinical Trial Design

Simulate and implement early phase two-stage adaptive dose-finding design developed by Chiuzan et al. (2018) <doi:10.1080/19466315.2018.1462727>.

Version: 0.1.0
Depends: R (≥ 3.5.0), shiny, shinydashboard
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
Published: 2019-08-29
Author: Alyssa Vanderbeek [aut, cre], Laura Cosgrove [ctb], Cody Chiuzan [ctb], Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer [ctb]
Maintainer: Alyssa Vanderbeek <amv2187 at cumc.columbia.edu>
License: LGPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README
CRAN checks: iAdapt results


Reference manual: iAdapt.pdf
Vignettes: Trial implementation
Trial simulation
Package source: iAdapt_0.1.0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: iAdapt_0.1.0.zip, r-release: iAdapt_0.1.0.zip, r-oldrel: iAdapt_0.1.0.zip
macOS binaries: r-release: iAdapt_0.1.0.tgz, r-oldrel: iAdapt_0.1.0.tgz


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