stringi: Character String Processing Facilities

Fast, correct, consistent, portable and convenient character string/text processing in every locale and any native encoding. Owing to the use of the 'ICU' (International Components for Unicode) library, the package provides 'R' users with platform-independent functions known to 'Java', 'Perl', 'Python', 'PHP' and 'Ruby' programmers. Available features include: pattern searching (e.g., with 'Java'-like regular expressions or the 'Unicode' collation algorithm), random string generation, case mapping, string transliteration, concatenation, Unicode normalization, date-time formatting and parsing and many more.

Version: 1.4.6
Depends: R (≥ 2.14)
Imports: tools, utils, stats
Published: 2020-02-17
Author: Marek Gagolewski [aut, cre] (<>), Bartek Tartanus [ctb] and other contributors (stringi source code); IBM, Unicode, Inc. and other contributors (ICU4C source code); Unicode, Inc. (Unicode Character Database)
stringi author details
Maintainer: Marek Gagolewski <marek at>
License: file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: yes
SystemRequirements: ICU4C (>= 55, optional)
Citation: stringi citation info
In views: NaturalLanguageProcessing
CRAN checks: stringi results


Reference manual: stringi.pdf
Package source: stringi_1.4.6.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: stringi_1.4.6.tgz, r-oldrel: stringi_1.4.6.tgz
Old sources: stringi archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: ELISAtools, FcircSEC, TMDb
Reverse imports: abjutils, actel, ADAMgui, airr, alakazam, AmpGram, assertive.strings, augmentedRCBD, auk, BARIS, BatchJobs, batchtools, BAwiR, bea.R, biobtreeR, BioInstaller, BUMHMM, CAGEr, celda, CellNOptR, censys, chinese.misc, cicero, circRNAprofiler, CITAN, cleanNLP, clustringr, conflr, corporaexplorer, corpustools, countyweather, covid19mobility, CrossVA, csv, cultevo, cwbtools, cymruservices, czso, daewr, data.tree, dataCompareR, dataMaid, datasus, debrowser, Diderot, discoveR, dplR, dundermifflin, dynr, Ecfun, edgar, eechidna, EGSEA, emayili, ENCODExplorer, epidata, epitrix, eplusr, esquisse, eurostat, evaluator, exams.mylearn, eyelinker, farff, fastDummies, fastLink, fedregs, fiery, filesstrings, gdns, getLattes, GetTDData, gfer, gganimate, ggfittext, GRANBase, growthPheno, haploReconstruct, hydroscoper, i2dash, ICAMS, ICD10gm, ie2misc, iemisc, inpdfr, IOHanalyzer, ipa, iptools, janitor, jmvcore, journalabbr, jrc, languageserver, LexisNexisTools, LilRhino, lime, malariaAtlas, matsbyname, memapp, mlr, mlrCPO, mnis, Modstrings, MOSim, mpoly, mscstexta4r, multicastR, multicolor, multipanelfigure, naaccr, nCopula, newsmap, nprcgenekeepr, OpenML, openxlsx, optigrab, osfr, otvPlots, parlitools, pdfsearch, pedquant, PGRdup, pkgmaker, plumber, poio, polmineR, PortfolioAnalysis, priceR, psychmeta, qdapRegex, Qtlizer, quanteda, quanteda.textmodels, R.temis, r2dii.match, rabhit,, RAMClustR, rangeBuilder, rattle, RclusTool, RcmdrPlugin.temis, rdflib, rdtLite, readabs, readODS, readsdr, readtext, refinr, reqres, retrosheet, rfaRm, rKolada, rmcfs, rMorningStar, RNewsflow, RNeXML, routr, roxygen2, RPresto, rprime, rprintf, rslp, RSqlParser, rsyntax, RTCGA, rwhatsapp, sasMap, SASxport, schrute, scoper, scorecard, searchable, sejmRP, SemNetCleaner, sensitivityCalibration, sentimentr, sentometrics, sharpshootR, shazam, SimilaR, sinew, snakecase, SpaDES.addins, SpaDES.core, splashr, statnipokladna, steemr, strataG, strex, stringr, Structstrings, tangram, tatoo, taxadb, testextra, testthis, text2vec, textclean, textshape, textstem, thinkr, thriftr, tidyUSDA, tigger, timetk, tokenbrowser, tokenizers, VarfromPDB, vegtable, wakefield, wiesbaden, wikilake, wildcard, xgboost, Xplortext, zipangu
Reverse suggests: ARTool, assignPOP, bdpar, caRpools, CGPfunctions, charlatan, CorporaCoCo, deepdep, diffdf, drtmle, genie, geojson, hrbrthemes, iemiscdata, mitch, mlflow, nc, NHSRdatasets, pins, portfolioBacktest, pqsfinder, qdap, rbi, rbi.helpers, readr, rebus.base, rebus.unicode, redland, refuge, RInno, rlfsm, rvest, RxODE, ssc, stylo, swirl, taxlist, TeXCheckR, text2speech, textmineR, textrecipes, tm.plugin.alceste, unine, urlshorteneR, wilson, wrMisc


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