dplR: Dendrochronology Program Library in R

Perform tree-ring analyses such as detrending, chronology building, and cross dating. Read and write standard file formats used in dendrochronology.

Version: 1.7.1
Depends: R (≥ 2.15.2)
Imports: graphics, grDevices, grid, stats, utils, lattice (≥ 0.13-6), Matrix (≥ 1.0-3), digest (≥ 0.2.3), matrixStats (≥ 0.50.2), png (≥ 0.1-2), R.utils (≥ 1.32.1), stringi (≥ 0.2-3), stringr (≥ 0.4), XML (≥ 2.1-0), plyr (≥ 1.8), signal
Suggests: Biobase, Cairo (≥ 1.5-0), dichromat (≥ 1.2-3), foreach, forecast (≥ 3.6), gmp (≥ 0.5-5), iterators, knitr, RColorBrewer, testthat (≥ 0.8), tikzDevice, waveslim
Published: 2020-03-19
Author: Andy Bunn [aut, cph, cre, trl], Mikko Korpela [aut, cph, trl], Franco Biondi [aut, cph], Filipe Campelo [aut, cph], Pierre Mérian [aut, cph], Fares Qeadan [aut, cph], Christian Zang [aut, cph], Allan Buras [ctb], Jacob Cecile [ctb], Manfred Mudelsee [ctb], Michael Schulz [ctb]
Maintainer: Andy Bunn <andy.bunn at wwu.edu>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
Copyright: Authors and file inst/COPYRIGHTS
dplR copyright details
URL: https://github.com/AndyBunn/dplR
NeedsCompilation: yes
Citation: dplR citation info
Materials: README ChangeLog
CRAN checks: dplR results


Reference manual: dplR.pdf
Vignettes: Chronology Building in dplR
An introduction to dplR
Time Series Analysis in dplR
Crossdating in dplR
Package source: dplR_1.7.1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: dplR_1.7.1.zip, r-release: dplR_1.7.1.zip, r-oldrel: dplR_1.7.1.zip
macOS binaries: r-release: dplR_1.7.1.tgz, r-oldrel: dplR_1.7.1.tgz
Old sources: dplR archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: detrendeR
Reverse imports: dfoliatR, GCSscore, iadf, measuRing, MtreeRing, TRADER, xRing
Reverse suggests: bootRes, dendroTools, fPortfolio, pointRes


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