A powerful and elegant high-level data visualization
system inspired by Trellis graphics, with an emphasis on
multivariate data. Lattice is sufficient for typical graphics needs,
and is also flexible enough to handle most nonstandard requirements.
See ?Lattice for an introduction.
Reverse depends: |
abcdeFBA, abd, adaptTest, addScales, affyQCReport, agsemisc, ASMap, assist, backtest, BALD, barcode, BayesGPfit, bayespref, BayesSAE, bc3net, bgmm, biclust, biotools, Blendstat, BoutrosLab.plotting.general, BRAIN, Brundle, BSDA, cardidates, caret, cem, clippda, ClusterJudge, coalescentMCMC, ConvergenceConcepts, Cubist, cvTools, cwhmisc, DAAG, DCL, deseasonalize, DESeq, designmatch, Devore7, DMwR, DoseFinding, EBarrays, eHOF, ELT, EngrExpt, equivalence, erboost, EstCRM, evidence, factorQR, fastclime, FAwR, FitAR, flexclust, flexmix, flowViz, FTICRMS, gammSlice, geneplotter, generalCorr, geoelectrics, growthrates, gsbDesign, hett, HH, HilbertVis, Hmisc, hotspots, hyperSpec, ICEinfer, iClick, iCluster, iGasso, ILS, immunoClust, insideRODE, InvasionCorrection, irtProb, jagsUI, kergp, kmlShape, kwb.hantush, kzs, latticeExtra, lfstat, loa, LocalControlStrategy, maCorrPlot, Maeswrap, mapStats, mcaGUI, MCPMod, McSpatial, memisc, MetaGxBreast, MetaGxOvarian, MetaGxPancreas, mirt, mixexp, mixOmics, mleur, MM2S, MmPalateMiRNA, MortalitySmooth, mosaic, mritc, msme, msqc1, nFactors, nlmeODE, OLScurve, optiscale, orderbook, PairedData, paleoMAS, PASWR, PASWR2, pbo, PCAtools, pems.utils, pencopulaCond, pendensity, penDvine, phenmod, PKreport, plink, ppiStats, primer, ProTrackR, R330, randomLCA, rasterVis, RcmdrPlugin.plotByGroup, RcmdrPlugin.temis, REPPlab, Ringo, Rmisc, rms, robfilter, robustsae, RSA, RxCEcolInf, rysgran, SALTSampler, scaRabee, SEL, semPLS, simFrame, simPop, SLGI, solaR, sommer, spectral, spuRs, statnetWeb, stripless, survSNP, svdvisual, SwathXtend, sybil, synthpop, tactile, TDboost, tdr, TestingSimilarity, titan, twang, unmarked, vegan, VHDClassification, violinmplot, vwr, waterfall, Watersheds, wskm, xpose4 |
Reverse imports: |
ade4TkGUI, adegraphics, adespatial, affycoretools, affyQCReport, agriTutorial, AICcmodavg, aLFQ, AllelicImbalance, ALTopt, analogue, animalcules, annmap, apc, ape, AppliedPredictiveModeling, aqp, arrayQualityMetrics, asbio, automap, BAMBI, BayesianNetwork, bbmle, bdvis, bestglm, BiBitR, bigtime, BigVAR, BioMM, biomod2, blackbox, c060, CADStat, Cardinal, caretEnsemble, Cascade, CensSpatial, cg, ChainLadder, chipenrich, chipseq, ClinicalUtilityRecal, clst, clstutils, cn.farms, cNORM, CNVRanger, coda, comato, compcodeR, copula, Countr, Cprob, crlmm, cubeview, cvmgof, cvTools, CytoML, daewr, DAMisc, DAPAR, DCD, dcmle, ddCt, DEGraph, DeLorean, denstrip, DepthProc, desplot, dfphase1, DiffBind, DOBAD, DoE.base, dosedesignR, dplR, EBarrays, effects, eggCounts, ELMER, emdbook, EmiStatR, epiNEM, EQL, eRm, ETAS, etm, FactoMineR, faoutlier, fastR2, FishResp, fit.models, FitAR, flowStats, flowViz, flowWorkspace, fungible, GADMTools, gbm, gcbd, GENLIB, ggtern, GISPA, GLMMRR, Gmisc, gpairs, GPfit, GPM, greport, gstat, Gviz, GWSDAT, HDCI, hexbin, Hiiragi2013, HMP, hydroPSO, hydroTSM, icesTAF, IDPmisc, IFC, IMAS, ImputeRobust, influence.ME, IRATER, isa2, IsoriX, jmcm, joineR, kangar00, kdecopula, ldbounds, lemon, lessR, lme4, lmem.qtler, LocalControl, locfit, lulcc, lumi, maCorrPlot, MACSQuantifyR, maptools, mapview, matchingMarkets, Matrix, Matrix, mboost, MCMCpack, MDBED, meaRtools, metagenomeFeatures, metap, metaplot, methylumi, mice, microplot, MinBAR, minfi, MinimumDistance, mirtCAT, mixPHM, MixSIAR, mma, MmPalateMiRNA, mnem, modelgrid, MoEClust, morphomap, mosaics, MotIV, mountainplot, MplusAutomation, mptools, MSnbase, msSurv, mvna, mycor, NCSampling, nlme, nlme, nonmem2R, npROCRegression, ohtadstats, onlineVAR, openair, openCyto, optinterv, Orcs, paleofire, pamm, Patterns, pdp, pedometrics, Phxnlme, Pi, plainview, Plasmode, plm, PloGO2, plotMCMC, polySegratioMM, PopGenReport, ppiStats, pRoloc, psych, psychomix, qicharts, qrmtools, QTLRel, R2admb, R2MLwiN, RAM, rangeMapper, rankFD, rCGH, RcmdrPlugin.HH, refund, RegularizedSCA, ReportingTools, Rfssa, RGraphics, riskRegression, rminer, RNAinteract, RobLox, RobLoxBioC, robust, robustlmm, ROCnReg, RPPanalyzer, rrcov, rrcovNA, RSiena, RSPS, Rssa, rties, runjags, RUVcorr, rvinecopulib, sampSurf, scape, scpm, scRNAtools, Select, SetMethods, sharpshootR, ShortRead, sights, sigQC, sisal, sitree, SixSigma, slfm, SLGI, slideview, SLOPE, smartR, SNPhood, soilDB, sojourner, SongEvo, sp, spacetime, SpidermiR, spind, SPreFuGED, sse, SSN, SSPA, StatCharrms, steemr, stlplus, stressr, stUPscales, stylo, SuperpixelImageSegmentation, Surrogate, survey, SWMPr, synapter, synergyfinder, tcl, textplot, tiger, tigerstats, timeSeq, topGO, trackr, trajectories, tripEstimation, TurboNorm, VanillaICE, varbvs, VineCopula, visreg, VOSONDash, vsn, waterData, x12GUI, xcms, zoo |
Reverse suggests: |
acss, Actigraphy, ade4, AER, afex, agridat, alsace, ArrayTV, asremlPlus, BaBooN, baseline, bayesImageS, BClustLonG, beanplot, betareg, binom, bio3d, BiocCaseStudies, BiodiversityR, BioQC, bnlearn, cassandRa, Category, cati, CDM, chebpol, ChemoSpec, ChemoSpecUtils, ChoiceModelR, cohorttools, CombMSC, copCAR, CORElearn, CorrBin, cotram, cowplot, cvGEE, DCCA, DCG, dclone, DEGraph, deisotoper, DEoptim, desirability, detrendr, DIAlignR, DiceDesign, directlabels, DirichletMultinomial, diveMove, DTAT, dyn, EFA.dimensions, eiPack, emmeans, EnvStats, ergm, eulerr, evaluate, evtree, fairml, fda, febr, fourierin, FuncMap, gamair, gamlss.add, gap, gcKrig, gear, geoR, georob, gge, ggformula, ggplot2, ggplotify, ggthemes, gllvm, glmertree, GLMMadaptive, glmmTMB, glogis, grattan, greta, gridBase, gridDebug, gridExtra, gridGeometry, gridSVG, grImport, gsubfn, hamlet, heplots, hextri, hhh4contacts, HilbertVisGUI, HistData, HRW, HSAUR, HSAUR2, HSAUR3, ICAOD, intkrige, JoSAE, KRLS, Lahman, languageR, lcmm, leafpop, Lock5withR, LPCM, LPTime, LSAmitR, LSRS, lucid, marmap, MARSS, MASS, MASS, MAST, mbbefd, mcglm, MEMSS, meteoForecast, MethComp, methylumi, mi, mlbench, MLInterfaces, mlmRev, mlogit, mlt.docreg, mobForest, modelplotr, Morpho, mosaicData, movMF, MPDiR, mrgsolve, multilaterals, multipanelfigure, mutoss, MVA, NBR, NestLink, nlmeU, nlmixr, nlraa, npmlreg, nvmix, Oncotree, OrgMassSpecR, pacman, pagenum, pander, PBImisc, pcaMethods, pdc, Perc, PKPDmodels, planar, plotscale, polyCub, polywog, protViz, PRSim, pscl, psyphy, ptest, qcmetrics, qqplotr, qrmdata, r2d2, rain, rbokeh, Rcmdr, RcmdrPlugin.IPSUR, RcmdrPlugin.NMBU, RcmdrPlugin.pointG, RcppDE, RcppZiggurat, remote, reshape2, RFLPtools, rfordummies, RforProteomics, RGCxGC, rgl, RMark, rmetasim, RNAinteractMAPK, robmixglm, robustbase, robustfa, robustX, round, rpanel, RRHO, rstpm2, rtdists, rtf, sand, sandwich, SASmixed, SCEPtER, SCEPtERbinary, SemiPar, sfsmisc, simecol, simLife, simsalapar, sklarsomega, Sleuth2, Sleuth3, smoothROCtime, SoilR, spdep, sperich, SPSL, STAR, StatRank, stellaR, stlnpp, subniche, SuperLearner, surveillance, tableplot, TAM, taRifx, tbm, TeachingDemos, tergm, texmex, tikzDevice, tmvtnorm, topicmodels, TrackReconstruction, TrafficBDE, tram, tramnet, TransPhylo, udpipe, ustyc, VC2copula, vcdExtra, vip, vipor, vivo, wCorr, WeightedCluster, withr, wux, XLConnect |