latticeExtra: Extra Graphical Utilities Based on Lattice

Building on the infrastructure provided by the lattice package, this package provides several new high-level functions and methods, as well as additional utilities such as panel and axis annotation functions.

Version: 0.6-29
Depends: R (≥ 3.6.0), lattice
Imports: grid, stats, utils, grDevices, png, jpeg, RColorBrewer
Suggests: maps, mapproj, deldir, tripack, quantreg, zoo, MASS, mgcv
Published: 2019-12-19
Author: Deepayan Sarkar, Felix Andrews
Maintainer: Deepayan Sarkar <deepayan.sarkar at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: NEWS
In views: Graphics
CRAN checks: latticeExtra results


Reference manual: latticeExtra.pdf
Package source: latticeExtra_0.6-29.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: latticeExtra_0.6-29.tgz, r-oldrel: latticeExtra_0.6-29.tgz
Old sources: latticeExtra archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: BoutrosLab.plotting.general, ClusterJudge, DCL, ELT, HH, pencopulaCond, rasterVis, solaR, statnetWeb, twang, vwr, wskm
Reverse imports: adegraphics, AllelicImbalance, arrayQualityMetrics, bbsBayes, chipenrich, cNORM, DAAG, DAMisc, dosedesignR, epiNEM, flowViz, flowWorkspace, GISPA, greport, Gviz, Hiiragi2013, Hmisc, hyperSpec, IFC, IsoriX, lessR, lfstat, MACSQuantifyR, MinBAR, mosaic, mptools, nonmem2R, openair, Orcs, pedometrics, pems.utils, penDvine, phyr, Plasmode, qicharts, RcmdrPlugin.temis, remote, RNAinteract, sampSurf, Select, ShinyItemAnalysis, ShortRead, sitree, SpidermiR, steemr, stressr, Surrogate, tactile, varbvs, waterData
Reverse suggests: afex, agridat, aqp, ArrayTV, BiocCaseStudies, BioQC, CAST, DClusterm, dexter, DIAlignR, directlabels, DTAT, ergm, febr, gcKrig, gnn, hnp, intkrige, lattice, lattice, LSRS, mapi, mcglm, microplot, mirt, mlt.docreg, MmPalateMiRNA, mountainplot, pals, pbo, rbokeh, Rmisc, rtdists, sharpshootR, soilDB, survSNP, tbm, tdr, tram


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