mgcv: Mixed GAM Computation Vehicle with Automatic Smoothness Estimation

Generalized additive (mixed) models, some of their extensions and other generalized ridge regression with multiple smoothing parameter estimation by (Restricted) Marginal Likelihood, Generalized Cross Validation and similar, or using iterated nested Laplace approximation for fully Bayesian inference. See Wood (2017) <doi:10.1201/9781315370279> for an overview. Includes a gam() function, a wide variety of smoothers, 'JAGS' support and distributions beyond the exponential family.

Version: 1.8-31
Priority: recommended
Depends: R (≥ 2.14.0), nlme (≥ 3.1-64)
Imports: methods, stats, graphics, Matrix, splines, utils
Suggests: parallel, survival, MASS
Published: 2019-11-09
Author: Simon Wood
Maintainer: Simon Wood <simon.wood at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
NeedsCompilation: yes
Citation: mgcv citation info
Materials: ChangeLog
In views: Bayesian, Econometrics, Environmetrics, SocialSciences
CRAN checks: mgcv results


Reference manual: mgcv.pdf
Package source: mgcv_1.8-31.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: mgcv_1.8-31.tgz, r-oldrel: mgcv_1.8-31.tgz
Old sources: mgcv archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: bamlss, baytrends, bgeva, cenGAM, coenoflex, CONCUR, coxed, denseFLMM, dlmap, dsm, eHOF, fcr, fda.usc, FlexGAM, gaga, gamlss.add, gamlss.spatial, gamm4, gammSlice, GJRM,, ibr, ismev, itsadug, KnowBR, labdsv, MAPLES, mgcViz, mombf, MPINet, multipleNCC, NIRStat, nlshelper, nontarget, ordPens, PanJen, personalized, qgam, R2BayesX, reams, robustgam, scam, semsfa, sparseFLMM, STAR, structree, sva, trioGxE, TSVC, TTS, vagam
Reverse imports: AdaptFitOS, AIG, analogue, anipaths, autoFRK, BinQuasi, BNSP, brms, buildmer, caffsim, cAIC4, calm, car, casebase, casper, CatPredi, causaldrf, CellTrails, chipenrich, CKLRT, ClusVis, colordistance, CondIndTests, demography, DHARMa, discSurv, dlnm, DSpat, DSsim, dtwSat, ebirdst, ega, emon, Epi, evgam, ez, face, FCGR, FDboost, FLightR, fRegression, funreg, FWDselect, gamCopula, gamm4.test, gamRR, GeneralisedCovarianceMeasure, geoGAM, ggiraphExtra, ggplot2, gllvm, goeveg, goseq, gQTLstats, gratia, groc, Haplin, HiCcompare, HLMdiag, insurancerating, interflex, intsurvbin, iRegression, iSEE, JWileymisc, KarsTS, kpcalg, ks, landsat, LMERConvenienceFunctions, lmviz, loa, localIV, logistf, lspartition, lumi, LW1949, MBHdesign, MBSGS, methylKit, MFPCA, MHTrajectoryR, mirt, ModelMap, morphomap, mrds, MRFcov, mudfold, MvBinary, NBAMSeq, networkGen, nlraa, npregfast, oddsratio, oddstream, openair, optimalThreshold, osmose, palaeoSig, pammtools, particles, PathwaySplice, pdp, phenoTest, pitchRx, Plasmode, plsmselect, poptrend, ppgam, predkmeans, presmTP, pspline.inference, psychonetrics, PupillometryR, PupilPre, QRM, QuasiSeq, r2glmm, RAPTOR, RcmdrPlugin.HH, refund, reldist, rioja, rlme, RLRsim, rstpm2, SACOBRA, scClassify, scde, sdPrior, secr, SEERaBomb, seqICP, sesem, simml, simPH, simsl, sisal, slp, smurf, snht, spatialrisk, spatstat, spicyR, srp, SSDM, starsExtra, StatDA, TAG, tidymv, timeSeq, trackeRapp, tradeSeq, tripEstimation, TSCAN, tsDyn, TSrepr, tukeytrend, VarSelLCM, vegan, virtualPollen, vows, voxel, VWPre, WhiteStripe, WVPlots, xspliner, xwf, zetadiv
Reverse suggests: adaptMT, agridat, auditor, BCEA, bestNormalize, BiodiversityR, biomod2, broom, broom.mixed, caret, catdata, CMA, CompareCausalNetworks, condvis2, ctmcmove, cutpointr, DChIPRep, densitr, detrendr, dfConn, diseasemapping, DPQ, dynamichazard, DynNom, earth, EcoIndR, emmeans, ENMTools, fdapace, flexmix, ForeCA, freqparcoord, fscaret, gamair, GeneralizedUmatrix, ggeffects, ggvis, granova, grattan, heemod, HRW, HSAUR2, HSAUR3, influential, inlabru, insight, latticeExtra, lazyData, LinRegInteractive, longRPart2, macleish, Mapinguari, MatchIt, mediation, metagam, mlt.docreg, MuMIn, munsellinterpol, myTAI, opera, parameters, PAsso, plotluck, ProjectionBasedClustering, pscl, Rcmdr, RcmdrPlugin.IPSUR, regionReport, RnBeads, rpanel, rstanarm, season, SentimentAnalysis, simex, simstudy, slingshot,, spatialEco, spatialwarnings, treedater, VGAM, vinereg
Reverse enhances: sfsmisc, stargazer


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