sp: Classes and Methods for Spatial Data

Classes and methods for spatial data; the classes document where the spatial location information resides, for 2D or 3D data. Utility functions are provided, e.g. for plotting data as maps, spatial selection, as well as methods for retrieving coordinates, for subsetting, print, summary, etc.

Version: 1.4-2
Depends: R (≥ 3.0.0), methods
Imports: utils, stats, graphics, grDevices, lattice, grid
Suggests: RColorBrewer, rgdal (≥ 1.2-3), rgeos (≥ 0.3-13), gstat, maptools, deldir
Published: 2020-05-20
Author: Edzer Pebesma [aut, cre], Roger Bivand [aut], Barry Rowlingson [ctb], Virgilio Gomez-Rubio [ctb], Robert Hijmans [ctb], Michael Sumner [ctb], Don MacQueen [ctb], Jim Lemon [ctb], Josh O'Brien [ctb], Joseph O'Rourke [ctb]
Maintainer: Edzer Pebesma <edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de>
BugReports: https://github.com/edzer/sp/issues
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
URL: https://github.com/edzer/sp/ https://edzer.github.io/sp/
NeedsCompilation: yes
Citation: sp citation info
Materials: NEWS
In views: Spatial, SpatioTemporal
CRAN checks: sp results


Reference manual: sp.pdf
Vignettes: Customising spatial data classes and methods
sp: classes and methods for spatial data
sp: overlay and aggregation
Package source: sp_1.4-2.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: sp_1.4-2.zip, r-release: sp_1.4-2.zip, r-oldrel: sp_1.4-2.zip
macOS binaries: r-release: sp_1.4-2.tgz, r-oldrel: sp_1.4-2.tgz
Old sources: sp archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: adehabitatHR, adehabitatHS, adehabitatLT, adehabitatMA, AQuadtree, automap, BarcodingR, bfsMaps, CAMAN, CCAMLRGIS, chronosphere, colorscience, ConR, constrainedKriging, cshapes, ctmcmove, DClusterm, DeducerSpatial, dggridR, dismo, divagis, DivE, DMMF, ecospat, elsa, excursions, ExtractTrainData, FedData, fossil, frontiles, GADMTools, gDefrag, georob, geospt, geosptdb, geostatsp, GISTools, glacierSMBM, graticule, GSCA, gwer, GWmodel, hglm.data, ibeemd, IceCast, INLABMA, inlabru, intamap, intkrige, itcSegment, KappaV, KnowBR, LabourMarketAreas, landsat, landsepi, lidR, MapGAM, mapmisc, mapReasy, maptools, MazamaSpatialUtils, medfate, meta4diag, meteoForecast, meteoland, mgwrsar, micromap, modiscloud, move, orsifronts, postGIStools, prioritizr, prioritizrdata, pycno, r2dRue, RandomFields, rangeBuilder, RapidPolygonLookup, raptr, raster, rbgm, rcanvec, recmap, redlistr, rgdal, rgeos, RSIP, rtop, rts, rworldmap, rworldxtra, sampSurf, sdm, SDraw, secrlinear, seg, shadow, ShapePattern, spatialClust, SpatialEpi, spdep, spdplyr, spdynmod, spgrass6, spgwr, splancs, spMaps, spnet, SPODT, ssfa, SSN, stam, surveillance, swissMrP, tbart, UBL, UScensus2000cdp, UScensus2000tract, UScensus2010, usdm, USGSstates2k, vec2dtransf, vetools, water, Watersheds, waver, wux
Reverse imports: ade4, adegraphics, adespatial, AFM, agriwater, agroclim, AHMbook, aire.zmvm, akima, ALA4R, AmostraBrasil, amt, anglr, angstroms, animaltracker, anipaths, antaresViz, APfun, aqp, ar.matrix, archiDART, ASGS.foyer, assignR, AWAPer, bamlss, BasketballAnalyzeR, BayesX, bfast, BIEN, biogeo, Biolinv, BIOMASS, biomod2, bioRad, birdring, BIRDS, BPEC, briskaR, bsam, btb, camtrapR, CARBayes, CARBayesdata, CARBayesST, Cardinal, cartograflow, cartography, CENFA, ceramic, chillR, cholera, cleangeo, clhs, ClustGeo, cmsaf, contact, CoordinateCleaner, countyweather, covatest, crawl, cruts, csrplus, ctmm, dartR, DataVisualizations, daymetr, disaggregation, diseasemapping, dissever, downscaledl, DRHotNet, DSpat, DSsim, dtwSat, dynatopmodel, EcoGenetics, eechidna, EEM, EFDR, ei, eixport, elevatr, EMbC, EmissV, ENMTools, epiflows, eseis, eurostat, expp, fasterize, fastmaRching, FeedbackTS, fgdr, fieldRS, FlexScan, flightplanning, FLightR, FloodMapper, flowDensity, flows, forestChange, ForestGapR, ForestTools, frenchCurve, FRK, gaiah, gazepath, gcmr, gdalUtils, gdistance, gen3sis, GeNetIt, geoaxe, geoBayes, geodetector, geodiv, geofacet, geogrid, geojson, geojsonio, geoknife, geomerge, geometr, geonetwork, geoR, GeoRange, geoSpectral, geosphere, geoTS, geoviz, geozoning, gfcanalysis, ggvoronoi, GInSARCorW, GmAMisc, GPSeqClus, grainscape, graph4lg, graphscan, GSIF, gstat, gtfs2gps, Guerry, gwfa, GWLelast, GWnnegPCA, GWpcor, GWSDAT, hddtools, helsinki, hero, HydroCode, hydroPSO, hydroTSM, hypervolume, icosa, IDE, iemisc, image.ContourDetector, image.LineSegmentDetector, inlmisc, intamapInteractive, ipdw, Irescale, iSDM, isocat, IsoriX, jcext, kehra, Kernelheaping, kineticF, lakemorpho, landsat8, landscapemetrics, latticeDensity, lctools, leaflet, leafletCN, leafR, leastcostpath, letsR, lgcp, loa, ltsk, magclass, malariaAtlas, mapedit, mapr, mapsRinteractive, mapStats, mapview, marmap, MEDITS, MetaLandSim, meteo, metR, MinBAR, mkde, modchart, MODIS, momentuHMM, Momocs, monographaR, morphomap, movecost, moveHMM, mptools, mregions, MTA, muHVT, multimark, NetLogoR, nichevol, nodiv, oceanmap, OCNet, OpasnetUtils, openSTARS, OpenStreetMap, opentraj, Orcs, osmdata, osmplotr, OSMscale, osrm, patternize, pavo, perspectev, pgirmess, phenopix, phyloclim, phyloregion, plotKML, polyCub, PopGenReport, prevR, psda, psgp, psyosphere, PWFSLSmoke, QRAGadget, quadmesh, quickmapr, quickPlot, r2d2, RAC, rangeMapper, rangeModelMetadata, rasterVis, rAvis, rbison, rcarbon, rCAT, RchivalTag, RclusTool, rcrimeanalysis, rdefra, ReadDIM, red, redist, reproducible, rerddapXtracto, retistruct, rFIA, rflexscan, RFmerge, rGEDI, rgeoprofile, RGISTools, RgoogleMaps, riverdist, rKIN, rleafmap, rLiDAR, rmapshaper, rmapzen, rnaturalearth, rnaturalearthdata, RNCEP, rnrfa, rosm, rpostgis, rpostgisLT, rSPARCS, RStoolbox, RSurvey, RTL, Rtrack, rWBclimate, sara4r, satscanMapper, scBio, SDALGCP, SDLfilter, sdStaf, secr, SeerMapper, SeerMapper2010East, SeerMapper2010Regs, SeerMapper2010West, SeerMapperEast, SeerMapperRegs, SeerMapperWest, sfdct, sharpshootR, shp2graph, siland, SiMRiv, SK, smacpod, smartR, smerc, sobir, soilassessment, soilDB, soiltexture, sojourner, SongEvo, spacetime, SpaDES.tools, sparrpowR, SpatialAcc, SpatialBSS, spatialEco, spatialfusion, SpatialGraph, SpatialPosition, spatialrisk, spatsoc, spatsurv, spbabel, spBayes, spcosa, spData, spemd, sperich, spex, sphet, spm, spmoran, SpNetPrep, spsann, spsurvey, spTDyn, spTimer, sptotal, spup, SSDM, stampr, StatDA, StempCens, STMedianPolish, stplanr, streamDepletr, structToolbox, SubgrPlots, SUMMER, SurfaceTortoise, SWMPrExtension, tangles, telefit, TexMix, tigris, tilegramsR, TileManager, tiler, topoDistance, trackdf, trackeR, TrajDataMining, trajectories, trip, tripEstimation, tweet2r, uavRmp, uFTIR, variosig, varycoef, vegclust, vegtable, viewshed3d, VIM, virtualspecies, vmsbase, VTrack, waveformlidar, wdpar, WEGE, wikilake, wildlifeDI, windfarmGA, wkb, xROI, zooaRchGUI, zoon
Reverse linking to: rgdal, rgeos
Reverse suggests: actel, agridat, apsimx, bayesTFR, bcmaps, belg, BiodiversityR, broom, cancensus, cartogram, CAST, climatol, DatabionicSwarm, dsm, EcoIndR, eddi, ENMeval, EnvStats, eRTG3D, fhidata, fuzzySim, gcKrig, gear, geohashTools, geosed, GET, ggfortify, ggspatial, HistData, HSAR, HSAUR3, hSDM, hypergate, hyperSpec, indicspecies, installr, interp, ipumsr, itsadug, jSDM, jsonlite, leaflet.extras2, leafletR, leafpop, leri, lingtypology, link2GI, loon, LSRS, lutz, lwgeom, mapi, maps, MBA, mdsr, metafor, MLID, mosaic, mtbls2, ncdfgeom, neonUtilities, nhdplusTools, nhdR, oce, onemapsgapi, osmar, overlap, palaeoSig, paleofire, pedometrics, plotfunctions, prettymapr, R.SamBada, R2BayesX, rase, rasterList, RcmdrPlugin.qual, rdwd, recurse, ref.ICAR, remote, rgbif, rgrass7, rpanel, rsatscan, rsinaica, sbtools, scanstatistics, sdcSpatial, SDMPlay, segclust2d, sf, silicate, smapr, smoothr, solaR, SpatialKDE, spind, stars, stormwindmodel, stUPscales, synthACS, TSP, ukpolice, ursa, usmap, WaveSampling
Reverse enhances: ggplot2, ggtern, GJRM


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