spnet: Plotting (Social) Networks on Maps

Facilitates the rendering of networks for which nodes have a specific position on a map (cities, participants in a political debate, etc.). Map data and network data are stored together in a single object which handles the match between network nodes and their respective position on the map. The plot method renders both the map and the network data. Several networks can be plot simultaneously. The graphic is highly customisable and the legend is automatically printed. Map data have to be supplied as 'SpatialPolygons' objects (from the 'sp' package) and network data as 'named matrix'.

Version: 0.9.1-0
Depends: R (≥ 2.10), methods, sp, shape
Published: 2016-02-22
Author: Emmanuel Rousseaux, Marion Deville, Gilbert Ritschard
Maintainer: Emmanuel Rousseaux <emmanuel.rousseaux at unige.ch>
License: GPL-3
URL: http://emmanuel.rousseaux.me/r-package-spnet
NeedsCompilation: no
Citation: spnet citation info
CRAN checks: spnet results


Reference manual: spnet.pdf
Package source: spnet_0.9.1-0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: spnet_0.9.1-0.zip, r-release: spnet_0.9.1-0.zip, r-oldrel: spnet_0.9.1-0.zip
macOS binaries: r-release: spnet_0.9.1-0.tgz, r-oldrel: spnet_0.9.1-0.tgz
Old sources: spnet archive


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