landscapemetrics: Landscape Metrics for Categorical Map Patterns

Calculates landscape metrics for categorical landscape patterns in a tidy workflow. 'landscapemetrics' reimplements the most common metrics from 'FRAGSTATS' (<>) and new ones from the current literature on landscape metrics. This package supports 'raster' spatial objects and takes RasterLayer, RasterStacks, RasterBricks or lists of RasterLayer from the 'raster' package as input arguments. It further provides utility functions to visualize patches, select metrics and building blocks to develop new metrics.

Version: 1.4.5
Depends: R (≥ 3.1)
Imports: cli, ggplot2, methods, raster, Rcpp, sp, stats, tibble
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Suggests: covr, dplyr, knitr, rgeos, rmarkdown, testthat
Enhances: stars, sf
Published: 2020-07-08
Author: Maximillian H.K. Hesselbarth ORCID iD [aut, cre], Marco Sciaini ORCID iD [aut], Jakub Nowosad ORCID iD [aut], Sebastian Hanss ORCID iD [aut], Laura J. Graham [ctb] (Input on package structure), Jeffrey Hollister [ctb] (Input on package structure), Kimberly A. With [ctb] (Input on package structure), Florian Privé [ctb] (Original author of underlying C++ code for get_nearestneighbour() function), Project Nayuki [ctb] (Original author of underlying C++ code for get_circumscribingcircle and lsm_p_circle), Matt Strimas-Mackey [ctb] (Bugfix in sample_metrics())
Maintainer: Maximillian H.K. Hesselbarth <mhk.hesselbarth at>
License: GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: yes
SystemRequirements: C++11
Citation: landscapemetrics citation info
Materials: NEWS
In views: Spatial
CRAN checks: landscapemetrics results


Reference manual: landscapemetrics.pdf
Vignettes: Get Started
Package source: landscapemetrics_1.4.5.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: landscapemetrics_1.4.5.tgz, r-oldrel: landscapemetrics_1.4.5.tgz
Old sources: landscapemetrics archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: PatternClass
Reverse imports: forestChange, ShapePattern


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