wildlifeDI: Calculate Indices of Dynamic Interaction for Wildlife Tracking Data

Dynamic interaction refers to spatial-temporal associations in the movements of two (or more) animals. This package provides tools for calculating a suite of indices used for quantifying dynamic interaction with wildlife telemetry data. For more information on each of the methods employed see the references within. The package (as of version 0.3) also has new tools for automating contact analysis in large tracking datasets. The package draws heavily on the classes and methods developed in the 'adehabitat' packages.

Version: 0.3.0
Depends: R (≥ 3.1.0)
Imports: sp, rgeos, adehabitatLT, stats, graphics
Suggests: knitr, adehabitatHR
Published: 2019-04-13
Author: Jed Long ORCID iD [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jed Long <jed.long at uwo.ca>
License: GPL-3
URL: https://github.com/jedalong/wildlifeDI
NeedsCompilation: no
Citation: wildlifeDI citation info
Materials: README NEWS
In views: SpatioTemporal, Tracking
CRAN checks: wildlifeDI results


Reference manual: wildlifeDI.pdf
Vignettes: wildlifeDI: Analysis of Dynamic Interaction Patterns in Wildlife Tracking Data
Package source: wildlifeDI_0.3.0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: wildlifeDI_0.3.0.zip, r-release: wildlifeDI_0.3.0.zip, r-oldrel: wildlifeDI_0.3.0.zip
macOS binaries: r-release: wildlifeDI_0.3.0.tgz, r-oldrel: wildlifeDI_0.3.0.tgz
Old sources: wildlifeDI archive


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