CRAN Task View: Natural Language Processing

Maintainer:Fridolin Wild, Performance Augmentation Lab (PAL), Oxford Brookes University, UK
Contact:wild at

Natural language processing has come a long way since its foundations were laid in the 1940s and 50s (for an introduction see, e.g., Jurafsky and Martin (2008): Speech and Language Processing, Pearson Prentice Hall). This CRAN task view collects relevant R packages that support computational linguists in conducting analysis of speech and language on a variety of levels - setting focus on words, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

In recent years, we have elaborated a framework to be used in packages dealing with the processing of written material: the package tm. Extension packages in this area are highly recommended to interface with tm's basic routines and useRs are cordially invited to join in the discussion on further developments of this framework package. To get into natural language processing, the cRunch service and tutorials may be helpful.


Words (lexical DBs, keyword extraction, string manipulation, stemming)





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