Interface to a large number of classification and
regression techniques, including machine-readable parameter
descriptions. There is also an experimental extension for survival
analysis, clustering and general, example-specific cost-sensitive
learning. Generic resampling, including cross-validation,
bootstrapping and subsampling. Hyperparameter tuning with modern
optimization techniques, for single- and multi-objective problems.
Filter and wrapper methods for feature selection. Extension of basic
learners with additional operations common in machine learning, also
allowing for easy nested resampling. Most operations can be
Version: |
2.17.1 |
Depends: |
ParamHelpers (≥ 1.10), R (≥ 3.0.2) |
Imports: |
backports (≥ 1.1.0), BBmisc (≥ 1.11), checkmate (≥ 1.8.2), data.table (≥ 1.12.4), ggplot2, methods, parallelMap (≥ 1.3), stats, stringi, survival, utils, XML |
Suggests: |
ada, adabag, bartMachine, batchtools, brnn, bst, C50, care, caret (≥ 6.0-57), class, clue, cluster, ClusterR, clusterSim (≥ 0.44-5), cmaes, cowplot, CoxBoost, crs, Cubist, deepnet, DiceKriging, DiscriMiner, e1071, earth, elasticnet, emoa, evtree, extraTrees, fda.usc, FDboost, FNN, forecast (≥ 8.3), fpc, frbs, FSelector, FSelectorRcpp (≥ 0.2.1), gbm, GenSA, ggpubr, glmnet, GPfit, h2o (≥, Hmisc, hrbrthemes, irace (≥ 2.0), kernlab, kknn, klaR, knitr, laGP, LiblineaR, lintr (≥, MASS, mboost, mco, mda, memoise, mlbench, mldr, mlrMBO, mmpf, modeltools, mRMRe, neuralnet, nnet, nodeHarvest (≥ 0.7-3), numDeriv, pamr, pander, party, penalized (≥ 0.9-47), pls, PMCMR (≥ 4.1), praznik (≥ 5.0.0), randomForest, randomForestSRC (≥ 2.7.0), ranger (≥ 0.8.0), rappdirs, refund, rex, rFerns, rgenoud, rknn, rmarkdown, ROCR, rotationForest, rpart, RRF, rrlda, rsm, RSNNS, rucrdtw, RWeka, sda, sf, smoof, sparseLDA, stepPlr, survAUC, svglite, SwarmSVM, testthat, tgp,, tidyr, tsfeatures, vdiffr, wavelets, xgboost (≥ 0.7) |
Published: |
2020-03-24 |
Author: |
Bernd Bischl
Michel Lang [aut],
Lars Kotthoff [aut],
Patrick Schratz
[aut, cre],
Julia Schiffner [aut],
Jakob Richter [aut],
Zachary Jones [aut],
Giuseppe Casalicchio
Mason Gallo [aut],
Jakob Bossek
Erich Studerus
Leonard Judt [ctb],
Tobias Kuehn [ctb],
Pascal Kerschke
Florian Fendt [ctb],
Philipp Probst
Xudong Sun [ctb],
Janek Thomas
Bruno Vieira [ctb],
Laura Beggel
Quay Au [ctb],
Martin Binder [ctb],
Florian Pfisterer [ctb],
Stefan Coors [ctb],
Steve Bronder [ctb],
Alexander Engelhardt [ctb],
Christoph Molnar [ctb],
Annette Spooner [ctb] |
Maintainer: |
Patrick Schratz <patrick.schratz at> |
BugReports: | |
License: |
BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE |
URL: |, |
NeedsCompilation: |
yes |
SystemRequirements: |
gdal (optional), geos (optional), proj (optional),
udunits (optional), gsl (optional), gmp (optional), glu
(optional), jags (optional) |
Citation: |
mlr citation info |
Materials: |
CRAN checks: |
mlr results |