ojsr: Crawler and Scraper for Open Journal System ('OJS')

Crawler for 'OJS' pages and scraper for meta-data from articles. You can crawl 'OJS' archives, issues, articles, galleys, and search results. You can scrap articles meta-data from their head tag in html, or from Open Archives Initiative ('OAI') records. Most of these functions rely on 'OJS' routing conventions (<https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/dev/documentation/en/architecture-routes>).

Version: 0.1.1
Imports: dplyr (≥ 0.8.3), magrittr, oai, rvest, stringr, tidyr (≥ 1.0), urltools, utils, xml2, purrr, rlang
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, tidyverse
Published: 2020-07-01
Author: Gaston Becerra ORCID iD [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Gaston Becerra <gaston.becerra at gmail.com>
License: GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: ojsr results


Reference manual: ojsr.pdf
Vignettes: ojsr-vignette
Package source: ojsr_0.1.1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: ojsr_0.1.1.zip, r-release: ojsr_0.1.1.zip, r-oldrel: ojsr_0.1.1.zip
macOS binaries: r-release: ojsr_0.1.1.tgz, r-oldrel: ojsr_0.1.1.tgz
Old sources: ojsr archive


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