assertthat: Easy Pre and Post Assertions

An extension to stopifnot() that makes it easy to declare the pre and post conditions that you code should satisfy, while also producing friendly error messages so that your users know what's gone wrong.

Version: 0.2.1
Imports: tools
Suggests: testthat, covr
Published: 2019-03-21
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <hadley at>
License: GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README
CRAN checks: assertthat results


Reference manual: assertthat.pdf
Package source: assertthat_0.2.1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: assertthat_0.2.1.tgz, r-oldrel: assertthat_0.2.1.tgz
Old sources: assertthat archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: bulletcp, condusco
Reverse imports: aemo, afmToolkit, ALA4R, ALPS, altair, animalcules, antaresEditObject, antaresViz, AntWeb, arrow, auk, Autotuner, awsjavasdk, BASiCS, bayefdr, beam, bigdist, bigQueryR, bigrquery, binman, Bioi, bioRad, biotmle, bnclassify, boxr, BPRMeth, breathtestcore, broman, CAGEfightR, CAISEr, CausalImpact, chillR, cicero, cicerone, circumplex, citr, cli, clustringr, CNVfilteR, coala, codyn, conogive, ctDNAtools, customLayout, dash, dataonderivatives, DataSpaceR, dbplyr, DChIPRep, delayed, DEP, desc, diceR, disto, dkanr, dynparam, dynutils, dynwrap, easypackages, eemR, einet, eph, ExpDE, explore, extendedFamily, FastKNN, fastquant, fbar, fiery, FitUltD, fmbasics, fmdates, foieGras, fuzzr, ganalytics, garma, gastempt, geouy, GerminaR, ggloop, ggPMX, ggsom, ggvis, GillespieSSA2, gistr, git2rdata, glmmfields, GlmSimulatoR, googleAnalyticsR, googleAuthR, googleCloudRunner, googleCloudStorageR, googleComputeEngineR, googleLanguageR, grattan, greekLetters, gwer, hal9001, haldensify, HARtools, heatmaply, highcharter, HMP16SData, HMP2Data, holodeck, humanize, huxtable, implyr, install.load, IOHexperimenter, ipdDb, ISRaD, jaatha, kdensity, keyring, lifx, lime, listWithDefaults, liteq, lmds, luzlogr, madrat, managelocalrepo, mashr, matsbyname, mcglm, mcvis, Melissa, miniCRAN, mizer, mknapsack, MOEADr, mRpostman, nakagami, nandb, nanostringr, NetworkInference, neuroim, nima, nlpred, OncoBayes2, oppr, origami, osrmr, pak, paramlink, peco, perturbatr, phantasus, pharmaRTF, pkgcache, pkgmaker, pkgnet, pkgsearch, polAr, prcbench, precrec, prioritizr, pspline.inference, ptvapi, pubtatordb, pushoverr, qPLEXanalyzer, qualpalr, qualtRics, r511, RAhrefs, raptr, ratelimitr, rayrender, RBesT, rchess, rebird, regmedint, remindR, reqres, reutils, rfisheries, rgoogleslides, rhub, rmake, rmapzen, rmdfiltr, rnr, rotl, routr, rpcdsearch, rprime, rrd, RTCGA, rtypeform, rvinecopulib, rvmethod, RxODE, saeRobust, safer, salty, santoku, sapfluxnetr, scPCA, scUtils, secret, semver, seqgendiff, shinytest, SimplifyStats, slimrec, snapcount, sortable, sparklyr, sss, StructuralVariantAnnotation, superml, surveydata, systemPipeR, TargetSearch, tatoo, tensr, testcorr, testextra, testthis, TexExamRandomizer, textreuse, thinkr, tibbletime, tidydice, tidyjson, tidyrules, tidytransit, timetk, togglr, topconfects, tricolore, univariateML, updog, uptasticsearch, urlshorteneR, useful, vegawidget, viafr, vinereg, vistime, wdman, wdpar, weitrix, wiggleplotr, wordbankr, x3ptools, xgxr, XKCDdata, ztype
Reverse suggests: checkr, GeneAccord, immunarch, povcalnetR, reproducer, rnassqs, themetagenomics
Reverse enhances: pkgcond


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