crayon: Colored Terminal Output

Colored terminal output on terminals that support 'ANSI' color and highlight codes. It also works in 'Emacs' 'ESS'. 'ANSI' color support is automatically detected. Colors and highlighting can be combined and nested. New styles can also be created easily. This package was inspired by the 'chalk' 'JavaScript' project.

Version: 1.3.4
Imports: grDevices, methods, utils
Suggests: mockery, rstudioapi, testthat, withr
Published: 2017-09-16
Author: Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre], Brodie Gaslam [ctb]
Maintainer: Gábor Csárdi <csardi.gabor at>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: NEWS
CRAN checks: crayon results


Reference manual: crayon.pdf
Package source: crayon_1.3.4.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: crayon_1.3.4.tgz, r-oldrel: crayon_1.3.4.tgz
Old sources: crayon archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: LearningRlab, sommer, SummarizedBenchmark
Reverse imports: actuaryr, AffiXcan, anomalize, available, babelwhale, baggr, basket, BatchGetSymbols, BayesianFROC, BCHM, biocompute, bioseq, Biostrings, bomrang, brendaDb, bsub, c14bazAAR, cabinets, casino, classyfireR, cleaner, cli, cliapp, cobalt, coinmarketcapr, cola, colorDF, colt, configural, correlationfunnel, corx, covr, cowsay, crunch, cSEM, cyclocomp, dash, dbflobr, debugme, desc, dexterMST, DHS.rates, diffobj, disk.frame, dtplyr, dundermifflin, dynutils, dynwrap, EFAtools, eplusr, evaluator, fgeo, fiery, foghorn, fpp3, future.tests, GA, gcForest, geometr, GetoptLong, gitignore, gmailr, gofCopula, golem, goodpractice, gtsummary, hgutils, idiogramFISH, interactions, ipmisc, IRkernel, jetpack, jstor, jtools, kerastuneR, lifx, lintr, listdown, LLSR, lobstr, MarginalMediation, metacoder, miceRanger, Modstrings, multicolor, music, NACHO, nlrx, obfuscatoR, odin, openVA, OptimClassifier, outsider.base, packagefinder, pak, panelr, ParBayesianOptimization, partition, peRspective, photosynthesis, piggyback, pillar, pins, pkgbuild, pkgdown, pkgload, pkgndep, plumber, ppgmmga, prettycode, progress, promotionImpact, prrd, R.temis, ralger, ramlegacy, randomNames, rcmdcheck, rdoc, readit, readr, recombinator, recorder, ReDaMoR, reproducible, RFishBC, rhub, riingo, rijkspalette, rmd, Rtrack, sars, schoenberg, scTensor, SGP, SGPdata, shiny, shinytest, simfinR, sinew, sinx, skimr, skpr, sloop, slouch, SpaDES.core, spaMM, splatter, stevedore, Structstrings, studentlife, swissparl, tabr, tabshiftr, tatoo, taxa, taxize, tealeaves, TestDesign, testthat, TeXCheckR, thinkr, threeBrain, tibble, tidyhydat, tidymodels, tidyquant, tidyUSDA, tidyverse, toOrdinal, tracer, trendyy, trimmer, tune, unitizer, usethis, VarBundle, vroom, waiter, WeightIt, wyz.code.metaTesting, wyz.code.offensiveProgramming, wyz.code.rdoc, ymlthis
Reverse suggests: blob, callr, catchr, conflicted, cutpointr, DLMtool, dm, drake, ehelp, exampletestr, fabletools, fhidata, fs, fst, gdsfmt, ghibli, glue, hardhat, haven, hms, huxtable, ipaddress, khroma, lgr, lidR, lifecycle, logger, logging, mapedit, metafor, multinma, nlmixr, ore, PMwR, prismatic, processx, psychmeta, purrr, rlang, rotor, RxODE, SAIGEgds, SDMtune, SeqArray, smerc, STV, symengine, testthis, tidyselect, vcr, vctrs, vdiffr, vdiffr, yardstick


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