Various R programming tools for data manipulation, including: - medical unit conversions ('ConvertMedUnits', 'MedUnits'), - combining objects ('bindData', 'cbindX', 'combine', 'interleave'), - character vector operations ('centerText', 'startsWith', 'trim'), - factor manipulation ('levels', 'reorder.factor', 'mapLevels'), - obtaining information about R objects ('object.size', 'elem', 'env', 'humanReadable', 'is.what', 'll', 'keep', 'ls.funs', 'Args','nPairs', 'nobs'), - manipulating MS-Excel formatted files ('read.xls', 'installXLSXsupport', 'sheetCount', 'xlsFormats'), - generating fixed-width format files ('write.fwf'), - extricating components of date & time objects ('getYear', 'getMonth', 'getDay', 'getHour', 'getMin', 'getSec'), - operations on columns of data frames ('matchcols', 'rename.vars'), - matrix operations ('unmatrix', 'upperTriangle', 'lowerTriangle'), - operations on vectors ('case', 'unknownToNA', 'duplicated2', 'trimSum'), - operations on data frames ('frameApply', 'wideByFactor'), - value of last evaluated expression ('ans'), and - wrapper for 'sample' that ensures consistent behavior for both scalar and vector arguments ('resample').
Version: | 2.18.0 |
Depends: | R (≥ 2.3.0) |
Imports: | gtools, stats, methods, utils |
Suggests: | RUnit |
Published: | 2017-06-06 |
Author: | Gregory R. Warnes, Ben Bolker, Gregor Gorjanc, Gabor Grothendieck, Ales Korosec, Thomas Lumley, Don MacQueen, Arni Magnusson, Jim Rogers, and others |
Maintainer: | Gregory R. Warnes <greg at> |
License: | GPL-2 |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
SystemRequirements: | perl (>= 5.10.0) |
Materials: | NEWS ChangeLog INSTALL |
CRAN checks: | gdata results |
Reference manual: | gdata.pdf |
Vignettes: |
Mapping levels of a factor Working with Unknown Values |
Package source: | gdata_2.18.0.tar.gz |
Windows binaries: | r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel: |
macOS binaries: | r-release: gdata_2.18.0.tgz, r-oldrel: gdata_2.18.0.tgz |
Old sources: | gdata archive |
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