boot: Bootstrap Functions (Originally by Angelo Canty for S)

Functions and datasets for bootstrapping from the book "Bootstrap Methods and Their Application" by A. C. Davison and D. V. Hinkley (1997, CUP), originally written by Angelo Canty for S.

Version: 1.3-25
Priority: recommended
Depends: R (≥ 3.0.0), graphics, stats
Suggests: MASS, survival
Published: 2020-04-26
Author: Angelo Canty [aut], Brian Ripley [aut, trl, cre] (author of parallel support)
Maintainer: Brian Ripley <ripley at>
License: Unlimited
NeedsCompilation: no
Citation: boot citation info
Materials: ChangeLog
In views: Econometrics, Optimization, SocialSciences, Survival, TimeSeries
CRAN checks: boot results


Reference manual: boot.pdf
Package source: boot_1.3-25.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: boot_1.3-25.tgz, r-oldrel: boot_1.3-25.tgz
Old sources: boot archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: acde, addhaz, aods3, BACprior, BCEE, bcROCsurface, bootES, boottol, cardidates, CircStats, Comp2ROC, Compind, cramer, dawai, DCluster, dendRoAnalyst, dhglm, EDOIF, equivalence, experiment, fishmove, frailtypack, gb, Hiiragi2013, HPbayes, imputeYn, IUPS, mdhglm, MDSGUI, NegBinBetaBinreg, Oncotree, ordinalCont, phase1RMD, popKorn, prLogistic, PsumtSim, QuantPsyc, R2WinBUGS,, reglogit, relaimpo, ROCpAI, ROntoTools, rtip, sampSurf, simboot, texteffect, timesboot, titan, tlm, truncSP, verification, wBoot
Reverse imports: adegenet, adventr, apaTables, ArCo, argo, AssetCorr, bandit, biotools, blrm, bootLR, brainGraph, brlrmr, BSagri, btergm, cassandRa, catenary, childsds, ChIPseeker, chngpt, circular, circumplex, ciTools, clickR, climextRemes, ComparisonCR, complmrob, concurve, confintr, CorrBin, Countr, crs, CsChange, cvcqv, dabestr, dagitty, DAMisc, deming, dendroTools, DescTools, dineq, discharge, dissever, distdichoR, DSAIRM, dynamichazard, DySeq, echo.find, ed50, ed50simulation, eggCounts, emdi, ems, energy, episensr, EstimationTools, estprod, eventstudies, evoper, extremeIndex, extremogram, finalfit, fishmethods, frair, gamRR, GeneralOaxaca, GuessCompx, hadron, hdpca, hmi, ic.infer, iClick, ImpulseDE, InformativeCensoring, its.analysis, jmdl, jocre, Kendall, laeken, LCAextend, LEGIT, les, lme4, lmeresampler, LUCIDus, MarginalMediation, mase, MBESS, mdpeer, medflex, mediation, mem, MetaIntegrator, metaplus, mev, mgc, mhazard, microsynth, MIIVsem, MixedPsy, MKinfer, modifiedmk, ModStatR, moveHMM, MplusAutomation, mudfold, multiROC, multiwayvcov, MVN, MWASTools, netdiffuseR, nlraa, np, OptimaRegion, optinterv, OptM, pairwiseCI, paramtest, pastecs, paths, pct, pdR, perspectev, pgirmess, phenesse, phylosignal, plsgenomics, plsr, plsRbeta, plsRglm, PointFore, polyapost, PopED, poppr, pse, psychmeta, pubmed.mineR, qat, QFASA, Qtools, R2OpenBUGS, r4lineups, randomLCA, raptr, rcompanion, referenceIntervals, refund, restriktor, rich, riskCommunicator, Rnits, robmed, robmixglm, RPESE, RVAideMemoire, SCBmeanfd, scone, sem, semEff, sensitivity, sensobol, Sequential, sevenC, shotGroups, simmr, simpleboot, sisal, SiZer, SoftRandomForest, soilphysics, SongEvo, SortedEffects, spaMM, spatialreg, SpatialVx, spdep, SPreFuGED, subscore, tbrf, TBSignatureProfiler, TraMineR, treeclim, tsBSS, UNDO, yhat, yuima, ZOIP
Reverse suggests: abd, AER, aod, asbio, bayesboot, BioCor, broom, CaDENCE, car, CARBayes, ChemometricsWithR, cond, crossReg, DAAG, DLMtool, dominanceanalysis, effectsize, EffectsRelBaseline, emplik, EnvStats, ezCutoffs, GEVcdn, glmmTMB, globaltest, gMCP, Greg, GSIF, gsubfn, hoa, hrIPW, HSAUR, HSAUR2, HSAUR3, investr, ipw, ISEtools, isobar, jaatha, jtools, LambertW, logmult, marg, MaxMC, meboot, metafor, mirt, mistat, nlreg, npsm, optmatch, parameters, proftools, ptest, R2HTML, Rcmdr, RcmdrMisc, regmedint, rgsepd, riskRegression, rms, robustbase, rstatix, scdhlm, semPLS, semTools, simTool, table1, tranSurv, WeightIt, wrMisc


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