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MySQL Success Stories MySQL is used in millions of computers around the world and all of those installations have their own story. What is your MySQL story? How did MySQL help you? Does your boss know, you are running MySQL? How fast is it or how big is the database? Every installation is worth a story.
You can submit your MySQL success story at (
and you can read a selection of our user stories at (
4.0.3-beta Released MySQL 4.0.3-beta, has been released and is now available in source and binary form for a number of platforms from our download pages at ( and mirror sites.
MySQL JDBC Driver: MySQL Connector/J MySQL Connector/J is a native Java driver that converts JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) calls into the network protocol used by the MySQL database. MySQL Connector/J has been the most popular JDBC driver for MySQL, when it was known as "MM.MySQL". MySQL
Connector/J enters the MySQL product family with many improvements
that have been requested by the Open Source community. The driver is now 50-100 percent faster in most situations than the previous version. It also creates fewer transient objects than before, leading to better performance andeven more stability. The driver now also supports "streaming" result sets, which allows users to retrieve large numbers of rows without using a large memory buffer. With newly added large-packet protocol support, the driver can send rows and BLOBs up to 2 gigabytes in size.
You can read more about MySQL Connector/J at (
New server product names MySQL Server product naming will change with 4.0. New server products are: MySQL Classic, MySQL Pro and MySQL Max.
MySQL 3.23.52 is released MySQL 3.23.52, has been released and is now available in source and binary form for a number of platforms from our download pages at ( and mirror sites.
This is a bugfix release for the current stable tree.
You can see the changelog at (
Event Scheduling with Lasso In his article Duncan Cameron shows some
of the features available with Lasso Professional
5 to Lasso/MySQL database developers. In the
article he is showing how Lasso/MySQL developers
can assist in making solutions development more
time saving. Read more at (
September MySQL Training MySQL AB provides MySQL training during September at the following locations: Sydney, New York, London, Paris, Hamburg, San Francisco & Amsterdam. You can read more about MySQL training at (
In September MySQL GmbH is offering an info event and an intensive training in five German cities. You can read more about that at (
Partner Corner
EAC, Brazil's first Authorized MySQL Training partner EAC, Brazil's first Authorized MySQL Training partner, has converted close to 100 ERP clients to MySQL, some with very impressive databases and who became very pleased with MySQL's robustness and performance.
Latest News
Latest MySQL News MySQL kick-off and intensive training (in German) (
Open Source Community Integral to MySQL's Successful Business Model (
Announcing MySQL Connector/J (
MySQL AB at Linux Expo (