tkrplot: TK Rplot

Simple mechanism for placing R graphics in a Tk widget.

Version: 0.0-24
Depends: R (≥ 2.13), grDevices, tcltk
Published: 2018-07-19
Author: Luke Tierney
Maintainer: Luke Tierney <luke-tierney at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL]
NeedsCompilation: yes
In views: Graphics
CRAN checks: tkrplot results


Reference manual: tkrplot.pdf
Package source: tkrplot_0.0-24.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: tkrplot_0.0-24.tgz, r-oldrel: tkrplot_0.0-24.tgz
Old sources: tkrplot archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: AnalyzeFMRI, biotools, BiplotGUI, ConvergenceConcepts, FFD, fisheyeR, forensim, genArise, GGEBiplotGUI, GUIDE, MDSGUI, OligoSpecificitySystem, RclusTool, RcmdrPlugin.TeachingDemos, RHRV, RVideoPoker, seedwater, soilphysics, SyNet
Reverse imports: ade4TkGUI, adoption, affylmGUI, asbio, biplotbootGUI, canceR, cncaGUI, dynBiplotGUI, FIACH, idendr0, Interatrix, InterfaceqPCR, IsoGeneGUI, KarsTS, limmaGUI, LogConcDEAD, MareyMap, midrangeMCP, multibiplotGUI, RcmdrPlugin.FuzzyClust, RcmdrPlugin.PcaRobust, relMix, rriskDistributions, RSA, tsgui, TVMM, uHMM, zooaRchGUI
Reverse suggests: adehabitatHR, adehabitatHS, adehabitatLT, adehabitatMA, aplpack, cghRA, fmri, misc3d, mritc, RandomFields, RcmdrPlugin.RiskDemo, RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat, Rgb, rpanel, sm, smovie, SpaDES, sudoku, TeachingDemos


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