RVideoPoker: Play Video Poker with R

Play Video Poker with R, complete with a graphical user interface. So far, only "Jacks or Better" is implemented.

Version: 0.3
Depends: pixmap, tkrplot, rpanel
Published: 2012-06-20
Author: Roland Rau Cards were created by Byron Knoll and released into the public domain. They were downloaded from http://code.google.com/p/vector-playing-cards/downloads/detail?name=PNG-cards-1.2.zip on 2012-06-08. Byron Knoll stated in his blog that the cards were released by him into the public domain: http://byronknoll.blogspot.de/2011/03/vector-playing-cards.html The backside of the cards were created by Roland Rau using the R-Logo.
Maintainer: Roland Rau <roland.rau at gmail.com>
License: GPL-2
NeedsCompilation: no
CRAN checks: RVideoPoker results


Reference manual: RVideoPoker.pdf
Package source: RVideoPoker_0.3.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: RVideoPoker_0.3.zip, r-release: RVideoPoker_0.3.zip, r-oldrel: RVideoPoker_0.3.zip
macOS binaries: r-release: not available, r-oldrel: not available


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