dparser: Port of 'Dparser' Package

A Scannerless GLR parser/parser generator. Note that GLR standing for "generalized LR", where L stands for "left-to-right" and R stands for "rightmost (derivation)". For more information see <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLR_parser>. This parser is based on the Tomita (1987) algorithm. (Paper can be found at <http://acl-arc.comp.nus.edu.sg/archives/acl-arc-090501d3/data/pdf/anthology-PDF/J/J87/J87-1004.pdf>). The original 'dparser' package documentation can be found at <http://dparser.sourceforge.net/>. This allows you to add mini-languages to R (like RxODE's ODE mini-language Wang, Hallow, and James 2015 <doi:10.1002/psp4.12052>) or to parse other languages like 'NONMEM' to automatically translate them to R code. To use this in your code, add a LinkingTo dparser in your DESCRIPTION file and instead of using #include <dparse.h> use #include <dparser.h>. This also provides a R-based port of the make_dparser <http://dparser.sourceforge.net/d/make_dparser.cat> command called mkdparser(). Additionally you can parse an arbitrary grammar within R using the dparse() function, which works on most OSes and is mainly for grammar testing. The fastest parsing, of course, occurs at the C level, and is suggested.

Version: 0.1.8
Depends: R (≥ 3.2.3)
Imports: digest, methods
Suggests: rex, covr, testthat, knitr, devtools
Published: 2017-11-13
Author: Matthew Fidler [aut, cre], John Plevyak [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Matthew Fidler <matthew.fidler at gmail.com>
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: yes
CRAN checks: dparser results


Reference manual: dparser.pdf
Package source: dparser_0.1.8.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: dparser_0.1.8.zip, r-release: dparser_0.1.8.zip, r-oldrel: dparser_0.1.8.zip
macOS binaries: r-release: dparser_0.1.8.tgz, r-oldrel: dparser_0.1.8.tgz
Old sources: dparser archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse imports: RxODE
Reverse linking to: nlmixr, RxODE
Reverse suggests: nlmixr


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