The UDF Worm is self-propagating code that is finding MySQL servers running on Microsoft Windows with poor firewall and password security.
This worm does not exploit any bugs in MySQL. It does exploit poor security setups for firewalls and passwords.
This worm is Microsoft Windows specific; it is unlikely to infect any Linux or UNIX compatible environments.
A User Defined Function, often referred to as a UDF, is a part of the ANSI SQL-99 specification. This feature allows developers to create custom functions. It is a common feature among the major database products.
The UDF Worm looks for MySQL servers running on Microsoft Windows that have been exposed to the internet and have either weak or no passwords installed on the account named "root". Once it finds an account it installs a UDF, and then uses that machine to infect other machines.
Run the following SQL statement: SELECT * FROM mysql.func;
If a UDF is found with a name of "app_result" then you have been infected with the worm.
You should look at all UDFs and determine whether or not they are legitimate. The worm is likely to mutate over time and will take on different UDF names.
You may be able to remove the worm by running the following SQL statement:
DROP FUNCTION app_result;
Removing the worm does not secure a compromised machine. For one discussion of how to secure a compromised Microsoft Windows machine, please see this article.
To prevent the worm from connecting to your database you should verify that all of your current accounts have passwords and that they are strong passwords (i.e. not easily guess-able).
And remember to use firewalls and strong passwords to protect your MySQL Servers.
Please consult your security advisors for the best way to protect your systems.
There are 2 basic steps to protect your MySQL Servers:
This worm is Microsoft Windows specific; it is unlikely to infect any Linux or UNIX compatible environments.
Learn more about strong passwords and firewall setups for Microsoft Windows here:
We will continue to educate our users about security (strong passwords and firewalls) on Microsoft Windows.
For more findings on the UDF Worm, see:
Handler's Diary (SANS Institute)
Please report all security issues using our feedback form
Last updated: Fri Jan 28 11:36:58 PST 2005