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MySQL 4.0.16, a new version of the popular Open Source/Free Software Database, has been released. It is now available in source and binary form for a number of platforms from our download pages at ( and mirror sites.
Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in time - if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.
This is a bugfix release for the current production version.
Please refer to our bug database at for more
details about the individual bugs fixed in this version.
News from the ChangeLog:
Functionality added or changed:
* Write memory allocation information to error log when doing `mysqladmin debug'. This only works on system that support the `mallinfo()' call (like newer Linux systems).
* Added the following new server variables to allow more precise memory allocation: `range_alloc_block_size', `query_alloc_block_size', `query_prealloc_size', `transaction_alloc_block_size', and `transaction_prealloc_size'.
* `mysqlbinlog' now reads options files. To make this work one must now specify `--read-from-remote-server' when reading binary logs from a MySQL server. (Note that using a remote server is deprecated and may disappear in future `mysqlbinlog' versions).
* Block `SIGPIPE' also for non-threaded programs. The blocking is moved from `mysql_init()' to `mysql_server_init()', which is automatically called on the first call to `mysql_init()'.
* Added `--libs_r' and `--include' options to `mysql_config'.
* New ``>' prompt for `mysql'. This prompt is similar to the `'>' and `">' prompts, but indicates that an identifier quoted with backticks was begun on an earlier line and the closing backtick has not yet been seen.
* Updated `mysql_install_db' to be able to use the local machine's IP address instead of the host name when building the initial grant tables if `skip-name-resolve' has been specified in `my.cnf'. Using this option can be helpful on FreeBSD to avoid thread-safety problems with the FreeBSD resolver libraries. (Thanks to Jeremy Zawodny for the patch)
* A documentation change: added a note that when backing up a slave, one needs to backup the `' and `' files, and the `SQL-LOAD*' files (which are in the `slave-load-tmpdir' directory, which defaults to `tmpdir' if unset). All these files will be needed when the slave resumes replication after you restore the slave's data.
Additional notes:
* The Mac OS X binaries are now built on Mac OS X 10.2.6 with the gcc-3.3 compiler.
* As HP-UX 10.20 has been discontinued by Hewlett-Packard on June 2002,, we have now updated this build host to provide binaries HP-UX 11.00 instead.