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The 4rd international PHP Conference will be held in Frankfurt/Main in Germany on Nov. 2th - 5th 2003.
MySQL AB is an offical Exhibitor of the conference and there are several interesting MySQL related talks and workshops:
* PHP5 and MySQL 4.1 - Working with the MySQLI-Extension, Zak Greant (MySQL AB), Georg Richter (
* Optimizing MySQL and PHP, Jim Winstead (MySQL AB)
* Loadbalancing and Replication with PHP5 and MySQL 4.1, Georg Richter (
* Opening the toy box: A Hands-On Overview of MySQL's new features, Zak Greant (MySQL AB)
* Parental Warning: Explicit Licensing, Zak Greant (MySQL AB)
* Spatial Data Support in MySQL 4.1, Alexandar Keremidarski (MySQL AB)
* MySQL's Fulltext Search, Sergei Golubchik (MySQL AB)
* Writing a PHP Extension, Jim Winstead (MySQL AB)