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MySQL Server Product naming will change a bit with 4.0 (and has already changed at the The standard product will be called MySQL Pro.
The new products will be as follows:
* MySQL Pro: the standard MySQL product that includes all MySQL-owned code and the InnoDB table handler. InnoDB provides MySQL with a transaction-safe, ACID compliant table handler with commit, rollback, crash recovery and row- level locking capabilities. This standard version is for users who want the high-performance MySQL database with full transaction support.
* MySQL Classic: includes the MySQL database and all other MySQL-owned code. This version does not include the InnoDB table handler, so it is for users who do not require transaction support.
* MySQL Max: for the user who wants access to early new features, this version includes MySQL and all MySQL-owned code, the InnoDB table handler, and other extras like spatial data, the Berkeley database table handler (BDB) and RAID. MySQL Max will in the future contain more new early-stage features.