This is a bugfix release.
In versions 3.23.42-.44 when creating a table on Windows you have to use lower case letters in the database name to be able to access the table. Fixed in 3.23.45.
InnoDB now flushes stdout and stderr every 10 seconds: if these are redirected to files, the file contents can be better viewed with an editor.
Fixed an assertion failure in .44, in trx0trx.c, line 178 when you drop a table which has the .frm file but does not exist inside InnoDB.
Fixed a bug in the insert buffer. The insert buffer tree could get into an inconsistent state, causing a crash, and also crashing the recovery. This bug could appear especially in large table imports or alterations.
Fixed a bug in recovery: InnoDB could go into an infinite loop constantly printing a warning message that it cannot find free blocks from the buffer pool.
Fixed a bug : when you created a temporary table of the InnoDB type, and then used ALTER TABLE to it, the MySQL server could crash.
Prevented creation of MySQL system tables 'mysql.user', '', or 'mysql.db', in the InnoDB type.
Fixed a bug which can cause an assertion failure in 3.23.44 in srv0srv.c, line 1728.
This is a translation of the MySQL Reference Manual that can be found at The original Reference Manual is in English, and this translation is not necessarily as up to date as the English version.