These are the types of log events available in the MGM API,
grouped by event category. (See
Section 3.3.7, “The ndb_mgm_event_category
Enumeration values.
Category | Type | Description |
(Connection events) | |
NDB_LE_Connected |
The node has connected | |
NDB_LE_Disconnected |
The node was disconnected | |
NDB_LE_CommunicationClosed |
Communication with the node has been closed | |
NDB_LE_CommunicationOpened |
Communication with the node has been started | |
NDB_LE_ConnectedApiVersion |
The API version used by an API node; in the case of a MySQL server (SQL
node), this is the same as displayed by
(Checkpoint events) | |
NDB_LE_GlobalCheckpointStarted |
A global checkpoint has been started | |
NDB_LE_GlobalCheckpointCompleted |
A global checkpoint has been completed | |
NDB_LE_LocalCheckpointStarted |
The node has begun a local checkpoint | |
NDB_LE_LocalCheckpointCompleted |
The node has completed a local checkpoint | |
NDB_LE_LCPStoppedInCalcKeepGci |
The lcoal checkpoint was aborted, but the last global checkpoint was preserved | |
NDB_LE_LCPFragmentCompleted |
Copying of a table fragment was completed | |
(Startup events) | |
NDB_LE_NDBStartStarted |
The node has begun to start | |
NDB_LE_NDBStartCompleted |
The node has completed the startup process | |
The node received an STTORRY signal, indicating that
the reading of configuration data is underway; see
Section 6.5.2, “Configuration Read Phase (STTOR Phase -1)”,
Section 6.5.3, “STTOR Phase 0”,
for more information |
NDB_LE_StartPhaseCompleted |
A node start phase has been completed | |
The node has received a CM_REGCONF signal; see
Section 6.5.4, “STTOR Phase 1”,
for more information |
The node has received a CM_REGREF signal; see
Section 6.5.4, “STTOR Phase 1”,
for more information |
The node has discovered its neighboring nodes in the cluster | |
NDB_LE_NDBStopStarted |
The node is beginning to shut down | |
NDB_LE_NDBStopCompleted |
NDB_LE_NDBStopForced |
The node is being forced to shut down (usually indicates a severe problem in the cluster) | |
NDB_LE_NDBStopAborted |
The started to shut down, but was forced to continue running; this
happens, for example, when a STOP
command was issued in the management client for a
node such that the cluster would no longer be able
to keep all data available if the node were shut
down |
Redo logging has been started | |
NDB_LE_StartLog |
Logging has started | |
NDB_LE_UNDORecordsExecuted |
The node has read and executed all records from the redo log | |
NDB_LE_StartReport |
The node is issuing a start report | |
(Restart events) | |
NDB_LE_NR_CopyDict |
The node is copying the data dictionary | |
NDB_LE_NR_CopyDistr |
The node is copying data distribution information | |
NDB_LE_NR_CopyFragsStarted |
The node is copying table fragments | |
NDB_LE_NR_CopyFragDone |
The node has completed copying a table fragment | |
NDB_LE_NR_CopyFragsCompleted |
The node has completed copying all necessary table fragments | |
(Node failure and arbitration) | |
NDB_LE_NodeFailCompleted |
All (remaining) nodes has been notified of the failure of a data node | |
A data node has failed | |
NDB_LE_ArbitState |
This event is used to report on the current state of arbitration in the cluster | |
NDB_LE_ArbitResult |
This event is used to report on the outcome of node arbitration | |
NDB_LE_GCP_TakeoverStarted |
The node is attempting to become the master node (to assume responsibility for GCPs) | |
NDB_LE_GCP_TakeoverCompleted |
The node has become the master (and assumed responsibility for GCPs) | |
NDB_LE_LCP_TakeoverStarted |
The node is attempting to become the master node (to assume responsibility for LCPs) | |
NDB_LE_LCP_TakeoverCompleted |
The node has become the master (and assumed responsibility for LCPs) | |
(Statistics events) | |
NDB_LE_TransReportCounters |
This indicates a report of transaction activity, which is given approximately once every 10 seconds | |
NDB_LE_OperationReportCounters |
Indicates a report on the number of operations performed by this node (also provided approximately once every 10 seconds) | |
NDB_LE_TableCreated |
A new table has been created | |
NDB_LE_UndoLogBlocked |
Undo logging is blocked because the log buffer is close to overflowing | |
NDB_LE_JobStatistic |
NDB_LE_SendBytesStatistic |
Indicates a report of the average number of bytes transmitted per send operation by this node | |
NDB_LE_ReceiveBytesStatistic |
Indicates a report of the average number of bytes received per send operation to this node | |
NDB_LE_MemoryUsage |
A DUMP 1000 command has been issued to this node, and
it is reporting its memory usage in turn |
(Errors and warnings) | |
NDB_LE_TransporterError |
A transporter error has occurred; see
Section 5.4, “NDB Transporter Errors”, for
transporter error codes and messages |
NDB_LE_TransporterWarning |
A potential problem is occurring in the transporter; see
Section 5.4, “NDB Transporter Errors”, for
transporter error codes and messages |
NDB_LE_MissedHeartbeat |
Indicates a data node has missed a hreatbeat expected from another data node | |
NDB_LE_DeadDueToHeartbeat |
A data node has missed at least 3 heartbeats in succssion from another data node, and is reporting that it can no longer communicate with that data node | |
NDB_LE_WarningEvent |
Indicates a warning message | |
(Information events) | |
NDB_LE_SentHeartbeat |
A node heartbeat has been sent | |
NDB_LE_CreateLogBytes |
NDB_LE_InfoEvent |
Indicates an informational message | |
[Single-User Mode] | NDB_LE_SingleUser |
The cluster has entered or exited single user mode |
NDB_LE_EventBufferStatus |
This type of event indicates potentially excessive usage of the event buffer | |
(Backups) | |
NDB_LE_BackupStarted |
A backup has been started | |
NDB_LE_BackupFailedToStart |
A backup has failed to start | |
NDB_LE_BackupCompleted |
A backup has been completed successfully | |
NDB_LE_BackupAborted |
A backup in progress was terminated by the user |