Interface to the JAGS MCMC library.
Reverse depends: |
ArchaeoChron, auRoc, BALD, BayesTwin, BaySIC, BCHM, bdribs, bsam, CNVrd2, EWOC2, gbs2ploidy, JointAI, lira, MADSEQ, NMADiagT, ordinalRR, pcnetmeta, pexm, phase1RMD, prevalence, PurBayes, R2jags, smartR, tuts, zoib |
Reverse imports: |
altmeta, BACCT, bacistool, bamdit, BANOVA, bayescount, BayesGWQS, bayesmix, BayesRS, BayLum, bdpopt, BEST, blrm, bnma, CCTpack, crmPack, dalmatian, dclone, EasyMARK, EcoDiet, ewoc, gemtc, groupWQS, HydeNet, infercnv, jagsUI, jarbes, MBNMAdose, MBNMAtime, mcp, MethComp, morse, NobBS, optimalThreshold, phase1PRMD, phenoCDM, pivmet, RcmdrPlugin.RMTCJags, Replication, RoBMA, RobustBayesianCopas, SIBER, TreeBUGS, tRophicPosition, zooaRchGUI |
Reverse suggests: |
bamlss, BayesPostEst, bcrm, blavaan, bridgesampling, covafillr, dcmle, ISEtools, LEAPFrOG, lucid, Luminescence, metamisc, mrbayes, nCal, runjags, tidybayes, wiqid |