05. Finding and Formatting

Chris Bailiss


In This Vignette

Finding and Formatting

This vignette explains how to find parts of a table, i.e. one or more cells in the body of the table.

This is often useful to retrieve either a specific value/values, or to change the appearance of specific headings/cells - similar to the conditional formatting capabilities of many off-the-shelf tools.

Example Table

The following table is used as the basis of the examples in the rest of this vignette:

# aggregate the sample data to make a small data frame
tocsummary <- bhmsummary %>%
  group_by(TOC) %>%
            TotalTrains=sum(TrainCount)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
         OnTimeDeparturePercent=OnTimeDepartures/TotalTrains*100) %>%

# formatting values (explained in the introduction vignette)
columnFormats=list(NULL, list(big.mark=","), list(big.mark=","), list(big.mark=","), "%.1f", "%.1f")

# create the table and render
tbl <- BasicTable$new()
tbl$addData(tocsummary, firstColumnAsRowHeaders=TRUE,
            explicitColumnHeaders=c("TOC", "On-Time Arrivals", "On-Time Departures",
                                    "Total Trains", "On-Time Arrival %", "On-Time Departure %"),

Getting Cells By Row and/or Column Numbers

The getCells() function can be used to retrieve one or more cells by row/column number in the body of the table. The arguments can be specified in two different ways depending on the value of the specifyCellsAsList argument. The specifyCellsAsList can have the values TRUE or FALSE, TRUE is the default value.

The getCells() function returns a list of cell objects.

Getting cells when specifyCellsAsList=TRUE

To get cells when specifyCellsAsList=TRUE:

Examples of the above are given below. The retrieved cells are highlighted in orange by specifying a different style.

Retrieving whole rows of cells when specifyCellsAsList=TRUE

Retrieving the first and third rows:

Retrieving whole columns of cells when specifyCellsAsList=TRUE

Retrieving the second column:

Retrieving specific cells when specifyCellsAsList=TRUE

Retrieving the raw/formatted values of the cell in the third column on the second row:

## The raw value of the cell is 2348 and the formatted value is 2,348 .

Retrieving multiple cells (2nd row-3rd column, 3rd row-4th column and 5th row-6th column):

Retrieving a mixture of rows, columns and cells when specifyCellsAsList=TRUE

Retrieving the 2nd row, 4th column and 5th row-6th column cell:

Getting cells when specifyCellsAsList=FALSE

To get cells when specifyCellsAsList=FALSE:

Examples of the above are given below. The retrieved cells are highlighted in green by specifying a different style.

Retrieving whole rows of cells when specifyCellsAsList=FALSE

When retrieving just rows, the rowNumbers argument is specified the same irrespective of whether specifyCellsAsList is TRUE or FALSE.

Retrieving the first and third rows:

Retrieving whole columns of cells when specifyCellsAsList=FALSE

When retrieving just columns, the columnNumbers argument is specified the same irrespective of whether specifyCellsAsList is TRUE or FALSE.

Retrieving the second column:

Retrieving specific cells when specifyCellsAsList=FALSE

When retrieving cells, the rowNumbers and columnNumbers arguments are specified differently depending on whether specifyCellsAsList is TRUE or FALSE.

Retrieving the raw/formatted values of the cell in the third column on the second row:

## The raw value of the cell is 2348 and the formatted value is 2,348 .

Retrieving multiple cells (2nd row-3rd column, 3rd row-4th column and 5th row-6th column):

Retrieving a mixture of rows, columns and cells when specifyCellsAsList=FALSE

When retrieving cells, the rowNumbers and columnNumbers arguments are specified differently depending on whether specifyCellsAsList is TRUE or FALSE.

Retrieving the 2nd row, 4th column and 5th row-6th column cell:

Finding Cells

The findCells() function is used to search for cells within the body of the table matching one or more criteria. The function returns a list of cell objects. This function has the following parameters:

This is typically used for conditional formatting, as illustrated in the next section.

Comparing to getCells()

The rowNumbers and columnNumbers arguments work differently in findCells() and getCells().

The findCells() function applies them independently, e.g. specifying rowNumbers=2:3 and columnNumbers=5:6 will match all cells in rows 2 and 3 and all cells in columns 5 and 6, i.e. cells must match either the rowNumbers criteria OR the columnNumbers criteria.

The getCells() function applies them in combination, e.g. specifying rowNumbers=2:3 and columnNumbers=5:6 will match only those cells satisfying both the rowNumbers criteria AND the columnNumbers criteria, which is cells (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 5) and (3, 6) - and not for example (2, 4).

Conditional Formatting

The findCells() and getCells() functions can be used to help conditionally format a table.

For example, to highlight in red those cells in the basic example table that have a percentage value between 0% and 40%:

# aggregate the sample data to make a small data frame
tocsummary <- bhmsummary %>%
  group_by(TOC) %>%
            TotalTrains=sum(TrainCount)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
         OnTimeDeparturePercent=OnTimeDepartures/TotalTrains*100) %>%

# formatting values (explained in the introduction vignette)
columnFormats=list(NULL, list(big.mark=","), list(big.mark=","), list(big.mark=","), "%.1f", "%.1f")

# create the table
tbl <- BasicTable$new()
tbl$addData(tocsummary, firstColumnAsRowHeaders=TRUE,
            explicitColumnHeaders=c("TOC", "On-Time Arrivals", "On-Time Departures",
                                    "Total Trains", "On-Time Arrival %", "On-Time Departure %"),

# apply the formatting
cells <- tbl$findCells(columnNumbers=5:6, minValue=0, maxValue=40, includeNull=FALSE, includeNA=FALSE)
tbl$setStyling(cells=cells, declarations=list("background-color"="#FFC7CE", "color"="#9C0006"))

Extending the above example so that on-time arrival/departure percentages are coloured as follows:

# aggregate the sample data to make a small data frame
tocsummary <- bhmsummary %>%
  group_by(TOC) %>%
            TotalTrains=sum(TrainCount)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
         OnTimeDeparturePercent=OnTimeDepartures/TotalTrains*100) %>%

# formatting values (explained in the introduction vignette)
columnFormats=list(NULL, list(big.mark=","), list(big.mark=","), list(big.mark=","), "%.1f", "%.1f")

# create the table
tbl <- BasicTable$new()
tbl$addData(tocsummary, firstColumnAsRowHeaders=TRUE,
            explicitColumnHeaders=c("TOC", "On-Time Arrivals", "On-Time Departures",
                                    "Total Trains", "On-Time Arrival %", "On-Time Departure %"),

# apply the red formatting
cells <- tbl$findCells(columnNumbers=5:6, minValue=0, maxValue=40, includeNull=FALSE, includeNA=FALSE)
tbl$setStyling(cells=cells, declarations=list("background-color"="#FFC7CE", "color"="#9C0006"))
# apply the yellow formatting
cells <- tbl$findCells(columnNumbers=5:6, minValue=40, maxValue=60, includeNull=FALSE, includeNA=FALSE)
tbl$setStyling(cells=cells, declarations=list("background-color"="#FFEB9C", "color"="#9C5700"))
# apply the green formatting
cells <- tbl$findCells(columnNumbers=5:6, minValue=60, maxValue=100, includeNull=FALSE, includeNA=FALSE)
tbl$setStyling(cells=cells, declarations=list("background-color"="#C6EFCE", "color"="#006100"))

Further Reading

The full set of vignettes is:

  1. Introduction
  2. Working with Cells
  3. Outputs
  4. Styling
  5. Finding and Formatting
  6. Shiny
  7. Excel Export