The Table Data Editor, allows a user to browse, create and edit data of tables. The Table Data Editor is implemented as a simple data grid with auto generated columns.
To access the Table Data Editor, right click on a node representing the table or view in Server Explorer. From the nodes context menu, choose the Browse or Edit Data command. For tables and updatable views, this command opens the Table Data Editor in edit mode. For non-updatable views, this command opens the Table Data Editor in read-only mode.
When in the edit mode, you can modify table data by modifying the displayed table contents directly. To add a row, set desired values in the last row of the grid. To modify values, set new values in appropriate cells. To delete a row, select it by clicking on the selector column at the left of the grid, then press the Delete button.
To save changes you have made in the Table Data Editor, use either Save or Save All buttons of the Visual Studio main toolbar, or just press Ctrl+S. A confirmation dialog will confirm whether you want the changes saved to the database.
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