Bugs fixed:
Column names don't match metadata in cases where server doesn't return original column names (column functions) thus breaking compatibility with applications that expect 1-1 mappings between findColumn() and rsmd.getColumnName(), usually manifests itself as "Can't find column ('')" exceptions. (Bug#21379)
When using information_schema for metadata, COLUMN_SIZE for getColumns() is not clamped to range of java.lang.Integer as is the case when not using information_schema, thus leading to a truncation exception that isn't present when not using information_schema. (Bug#21544)
Newlines causing whitespace to span confuse procedure parser when getting parameter metadata for stored procedures. (Bug#22024)
Driver was using milliseconds for Statement.setQueryTimeout() when specification says argument is to be in seconds. (Bug#22359)
Workaround for server crash when calling stored procedures via a server-side prepared statement (driver now detects prepare(stored procedure) and substitutes client-side prepared statement). (Bug#22297)
Added new _ci collations to CharsetMapping - utf8_unicode_ci not working. (Bug#22456)
Driver issues truncation on write exception when it shouldn't (due to sending big decimal incorrectly to server with server-side prepared statement). (Bug#22290)
DBMD.getColumns() does not return expected COLUMN_SIZE for the SET type, now returns length of largest possible set disregarding whitespace or the "," delimitters to be consistent with the ODBC driver. (Bug#22613)
Other changes:
Fixed configuration property
was not being
used for reads of result set values.
Driver now supports {call sp}
"()" if procedure has no arguments).
Driver now sends numeric 1 or 0 for client-prepared
statement setBoolean()
calls instead of
'1' or '0'.
DatabaseMetaData correctly reports true for
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