Used as a wrapper to include graphics (and possibly other media).
<figure> <title>Caption of the graphic</title> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="screenshot.en.png" lang="en"/> </imageobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="" lang="de"/> </imageobject> <textobject> <phrase lang="en">A screenshot</phrase> </textobject> <textobject> <phrase lang="de">Ein Mattscheiben-Foto</phrase> </textobject> </mediaobject> </figure>
Every figure should be preceded by a specific in-text reference
(for example: see Figure
, etc.). Figures should not be introduced with
colons or phrases like “in the following figure,”
or “as shown in this figure.” Figures float, so the
lack of specific in-text references may cause incorrect
placement of figures.
As for capitalization of figure captions, see Guidelines for Capitalization of Terms. Do not use periods at the end of captions.
See also Section 4.8.23, “mediaobject”. As for file names of graphics, see Section 4.10, “File Names and Guidelines for Graphics”.