1. The Mozilla README file
2. How was Perl 5.8.0 compiled on Solaris?
This version of perl was compiled with the following commands:
Remember that there is an "official" Sun version of perl
in /usr/bin on Solaris 8 and 9. You might want to use it
instead, but note the following comments from a user about a
previous version of perl on Solaris 8:
Just a note on your note on the Perl 5.6 package for Solaris.
You noted that Solaris comes with Perl (5.00503) and that it might be
better to stick with that instead of re-installing Perl unless you
really need 5.6.
I had trouble installing Perl modules like DBI etc. with the Perl that
came with Solaris 8. Someone in the comp.unix.solaris newsgroup said
that was because Sun compiled Perl with their own cc compiler. Perl
remembers the compiler used to build it, and looks for that when you
try to run make to build modules.
According to that poster (I'm yet to reinstall Perl to try this), if
you re-compile Perl with gcc, everything will work fine and you will be
able to build modules with gcc.
( I haven't bought Sun's compiler so I only get an error that that
"language option" is not installed when I try to build Perl modules).
So anyway, my only point is that there may be another good reason
(aside from an upgrade to 5.6) for re-installing Perl on Solaris 8.
Another user reports:
The author is correct in that you should compile all
C-extended Perl modules with the same compiler Perl was compiled with
itself. This also extends to mod_perl enabled Apache compilations, the
Apache should be compiled with the same compiler Perl and mod_perl was
compiled with (can be confusing when using a DSO Apache and shared
mod_perl). It would probably make life a lot easier to just recompile Perl
with gcc straight away :)
The tcp_wrappers offered here is based on the so-called
Advanced configuration and installation method. This
is discussed in section 7.2 of the README file that is
the /usr/local/doc/tcp_wrappers/README after installation.
You will have to edit your /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services
file and do a few other things to get the wrappers to operate properly. I
have included the Makefile I used in the /export/home/local.tcp_wrappers/doc/tcp_wrappers/Makefile file. I
strongly suggest reading the web pages at:
Wietse's collection of tools and papers" - the main tcp_wrappers site which also contains
documentation listings.
Inside Solaris/TCP-wrappers: do I need one?.
There are two versions of tcp_wrappers. One is for the IPv4 and the
other for the IPv6 standards. Make sure to use the correct one
for your system.
tcp_wrappers is often used to make sites more secure. Make sure you
know what you are doing. We are not responsible for any security
problems you may encounter.
Please do not email me for help with installation and configuration.
For OpenSSL, I did with the 0.9.6c sources,
./Configure solaris-sparcv7-gcc shared
on SPARC machine and
./Configure solaris-x86-gcc shared
on Intel Solaris 8. These compiles pass
all the tests and creates both .a and .so libraries.
It installs files in /usr/local/ssl.
I noted, however, that openssh-3.1p1 would not configure properly if
the shared libraries were in /usr/local/ssl/lib. So, when compiling
openssh, I removed the shared libraries and left only the static ones.
openssh then would configure and compile properly.
I created the openssl_noshared packages for those users who do not
want the shared libraries.
Go to The OpenSSL Project for
more details.
openssl is often used to make sites more secure. Make sure you
know what you are doing. We are not responsible for any security
problems you may encounter.
After installation of ghostscript, you will need to set (as in the
Mozilla Beta1 for Solaris (SPARC).
General Information
This is the Mozilla Beta1 for Solaris 2.6, 7 & 8 on Sparc.
The source code comes from
o http://www.mozilla.org/source.html
CVS to get Beta 1 branch of SeaMonkeyAll & NSPR.
o http://atv.ne.mediaone.net/libIDL/
o ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/v1.2/
A mailing list is located at:
1. Download the gzipped tarball (7.8 Mb)
2. Unpack the gzipped tarball with gzip and tar to get a directory called
% gzip -dc mozilla-sparc-beta1.tar.gz | tar xvf -
3. change directories to mozilla-beta1
% cd mozilla-beta1
4. Start the browser
% ./mozilla
How to report bugs
To report a bug, send mail to netscape6@eng.sun.com.
1. undefined symbol problem in Solaris 2.6 European locales
Fix for undefined symbol _XlcCompileResourceList at runtime.
This looks like SunSolve bug report #4239074, no patch, suggested
Edit the file : /usr/openwin/lib/locale/iso8859-1/XI18N_OBJS
Remove the line
< XOM xomEuro _XomGenericOpenOM # XOM_open
Add the line
> XOM common/xomLTRTTB _XomGenericOpenOM # XOM_open
See Bugzilla 17221 for more discussion.
2. Patch for Solaris 2.6
Get a recent version of the 2.6 recommended patch cluster from
Mozilla is unlikely to function well (if at all) without this patch
cluster. Among other things, this will fix the problem where Mozilla
fails at startup time with a "Wrong Architecture" error.
3."Gdk-WARNING **:shmat failed!" error message
In some versions of Solaris, GDK gives up and decides not to
use shared-memory at all when this error occurs. Mozilla will
still function just fine, but it won't see any speedup. Work
around this problem by adding the line:
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg = 10
to /etc/system and then rebooting your machine. See Bugzilla
10498 for more details.
4. "Gdk-WARNING **: can not create input context with specified
input style." error message
If the above error message occurs when clicking on input fields
and the input method is disable, you need install one of the
following OS patches:
Solaris 2.6 Solaris 7 Solaris 8
SPARC 106040-14(or higher) 107636-04(or higher) 108773-02(or higher)
x86 106041-14(or higher) 107637-04(or higher) 108774-02(or higher)
for patch access.
Note: For more informations, see
Known Problems.
Mozilla won't background itself properly (ie:
% mozilla &
if you have
stty erase ^H
in your .cshrc. You should remove this and source your .cshrc .
The "Netscape 6 for Solaris" team.
sh Configure -Dcc='gcc -B/usr/ccs/bin/'
make test
make install
I used gcc-3.1. No special additions were made.
4. tcp_wrappers notes
5. OpenSSL notes
7. Ghostscript setup
setenv GS_FONTPATH /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/outline
setenv GS_LIB /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/Type1:/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/Type3:/usr/local/share/ghostscript/6.0/lib/fonts
and make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your PATH.
Contact Information
© Copyright 2011 Steven M. Christensen and Associates, Inc.
This page was last updated on January 1, 2011.