CRAN Task View: Hydrological Data and Modeling

Maintainer:Sam Zipper, Sam Albers, Ilaria Prosdocimi
Contact:samuelczipper at

This Task View contains information about packages broadly relevant to hydrology , defined as the movement, distribution and quality of water and water resources over a broad spatial scale of landscapes. Packages are broadly grouped according to their function; however, many have functionality that spans multiple categories. We also highlight other, existing resources that have related functions - for example, statistical analysis or spatial data processing. See also Riccardo Rigon’s excellent list of hydrology-related R tools and resources.

If you have any comments or suggestions for additions or improvements for this Task View, go to GitHub and submit an issue , or make some changes and submit a pull request . If you can’t contribute on GitHub, send Sam Zipper an email . If you have an issue with one of the packages discussed below, please contact the maintainer of that package.

Data Retrieval

Hydrological data sources (surface water/groundwater quantity and quality)

Meteorological data (precipitation, radiation, temperature, etc - including both measurements and reanalysis)

Data Analysis

Data tidying (gap-filling, data organization, QA/QC, etc)

Hydrograph analysis (functions for working with streamflow data, e.g. flow statistics, trends, biological indices, etc.)

Meteorology (functions for working with meteorological and climate data)


Spatial data processing

The CRAN Spatial Task View gives an overview of packages to be used in R to read, visualise, and analyse spatial data. See also the ROpenSci MapTools Listing .


Process-based modeling (scripts for preparing inputs/outputs and running process-based models)

See also the RHydro project on R-forge.

Statistical modeling (hydrology-related statistical models)

The Environmetrics: Task View gives an overview of packages used in the analysis of environmental data, encompassing hydrological data, including many statistical approaches used in the ecological sciences. Additionally, packages that help model datasets with extreme values are discussed in the ExtremeValue Task View.

CRAN packages:

Related links: