zoocat package is an extension package of the zoo package. The aim of this package is:
For using zoocat package, first load it:
Although column names can be used to identify columns, for “zoocat
” class, a data frame is used to store information of columns, we call it column attribute table (cattr table). In the cattr table, each row represents a column of the core data in the object, and each column represents a column attribute. Using following codes to construct a zoocat object based on a matrix.
mat <- matrix(round(rnorm(24), 2), ncol = 4)
ctable <- data.frame(treatment = factor(rep(c('a', 'b'), 2), levels = c('a', 'b')),
site = factor(rep(c('s1', 's2'), each = 2), levels = c('s1', 's2')))
zc <- zoocat(mat, order.by = 2011 : 2014, colattr = ctable, index.name = 'year')
#> A zoocat object with:
#> - [column attribute fields]: treatment, site
#> - [index variable]: year
#> - [data]:
#> a_s1 b_s1 a_s2 b_s2
#> 2011 -1.09 0.34 0.05 0.75
#> 2012 1.18 -1.11 0.78 -0.87
#> 2013 1.61 1.63 0.91 1.02
#> 2014 0.79 -0.39 -1.64 -0.05
It can be seen that there are two column attributes: “treatment” and “site”, and the index means “year”. So, each data value corresponds to three underlying variables, i.e., treatment, site and year.
Using following codes to get and set cattr table.
#> treatment site
#> 1 a s1
#> 2 b s1
#> 3 a s2
#> 4 b s2
zc2 <- zc
cattr(zc2) <- data.frame(cattr(zc), observer = 'Jack')
#> A zoocat object with:
#> - [column attribute fields]: treatment, site, observer
#> - [index variable]: year
#> - [data]:
#> a_s1_Jack b_s1_Jack a_s2_Jack b_s2_Jack
#> 2011 -1.09 0.34 0.05 0.75
#> 2012 1.18 -1.11 0.78 -0.87
#> 2013 1.61 1.63 0.91 1.02
#> 2014 0.79 -0.39 -1.64 -0.05
Merging by columns is similar with “zoo
” object except that the cattr tables need to be merged by rows. Note that NA is added if it is needed.
zc2 <- zc + 10
cattr(zc2) <- data.frame(site = 's3', added = rep(TRUE, 4))
zc.merge <- cbind(zc, zc2)
#> A zoocat object with:
#> - [column attribute fields]: treatment, site, added
#> - [index variable]: year
#> - [data]:
#> a_s1_NA b_s1_NA a_s2_NA b_s2_NA NA_s3_TRUE NA_s3_TRUE NA_s3_TRUE
#> 2011 -1.09 0.34 0.05 0.75 8.91 10.34 10.05
#> 2012 1.18 -1.11 0.78 -0.87 11.18 8.89 10.78
#> 2013 1.61 1.63 0.91 1.02 11.61 11.63 10.91
#> 2014 0.79 -0.39 -1.64 -0.05 10.79 9.61 8.36
#> NA_s3_TRUE
#> 2011 10.75
#> 2012 9.13
#> 2013 11.02
#> 2014 9.95
#> treatment site added
#> 1 a s1 NA
#> 2 b s1 NA
#> 3 a s2 NA
#> 4 b s2 NA
#> 5 <NA> s3 TRUE
#> 6 <NA> s3 TRUE
#> 7 <NA> s3 TRUE
#> 8 <NA> s3 TRUE
Similar with package reshape2, you can melt and cast between data frame and zoocat.
df.melt <- melt(zc)
#> year treatment site value
#> 1 2011 a s1 -1.09
#> 2 2011 b s1 0.34
#> 3 2011 a s2 0.05
#> 4 2011 b s2 0.75
#> 5 2012 a s1 1.18
#> 6 2012 b s1 -1.11
cast2zoocat(df.melt, index.var = 'year', value.var = 'value')
#> A zoocat object with:
#> - [column attribute fields]: treatment, site
#> - [index variable]: year
#> - [data]:
#> a_s1 a_s2 b_s1 b_s2
#> 2011 -1.09 0.05 0.34 0.75
#> 2012 1.18 0.78 -1.11 -0.87
#> 2013 1.61 0.91 1.63 1.02
#> 2014 0.79 -1.64 -0.39 -0.05
Note that casting from a data frame is a convenient method to build a “zoocat
” object.
The index variable can be reset to be a variable in the cattr table.
reset_index_var(zc, index.var = 'treatment')
#> A zoocat object with:
#> - [column attribute fields]: year, site
#> - [index variable]: treatment
#> - [data]:
#> 2011_s1 2011_s2 2012_s1 2012_s2 2013_s1 2013_s2 2014_s1 2014_s2
#> a -1.09 0.05 1.18 0.78 1.61 0.91 0.79 -1.64
#> b 0.34 0.75 -1.11 -0.87 1.63 1.02 -0.39 -0.05
Functions can be applied for each column of the “zoocat
” object, and the results will be binded with the cattr table.
apply_col(zc, FUN = mean)
#> treatment site output
#> 1 a s1 0.6225
#> 2 b s1 0.1175
#> 3 a s2 0.0250
#> 4 b s2 0.2125
apply_col(zc, FUN = function (x) {c(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x))})
#> treatment site mean sd
#> 1 a s1 0.6225 1.1897724
#> 2 b s1 0.1175 1.1692555
#> 3 a s2 0.0250 1.1727603
#> 4 b s2 0.2125 0.8527749
Another method is to apply a function for the whole core data, and the results can be binded with the cattr table or index.
apply_core(zc, FUN = colMeans, bind = 'cattr')
#> treatment site data.ret
#> 1 a s1 0.6225
#> 2 b s1 0.1175
#> 3 a s2 0.0250
#> 4 b s2 0.2125
apply_core(zc, FUN = rowMeans, bind = 'index')
#> 2011 2012 2013 2014
#> 0.0125 -0.0050 1.2925 -0.3225
apply_core(zc, FUN = function (x) {t(x*2)}, bind = c('cattr', 'index'))
#> A zoocat object with:
#> - [column attribute fields]: treatment, site
#> - [index variable]: index
#> - [data]:
#> a_s1 b_s1 a_s2 b_s2
#> 2011 -2.18 0.68 0.10 1.50
#> 2012 2.36 -2.22 1.56 -1.74
#> 2013 3.22 3.26 1.82 2.04
#> 2014 1.58 -0.78 -3.28 -0.10
Function filter_col
can be used to extract columns by specified conditions on the cattr table:
filter_col(zc, cond = treatment == 'a' & site == 's2')
#> A zoocat object with:
#> - [column attribute fields]: treatment, site
#> - [index variable]: year
#> - [data]:
#> a_s2
#> 2011 0.05
#> 2012 0.78
#> 2013 0.91
#> 2014 -1.64
For “zoocat
” class, all methods for the “zoo
” class can be used. Addtionally, class “zoomly
”, based on “zoocat
”, is designed to manipulate monthly data.