
Cross-Platform ‘zip’ Compression

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Creating ZIP files

zip() creates a new ZIP archive. (It overwrites the output file if it exists.) Simply supply all directories and files that you want to include in the archive.

It makes sense to change to the top-level directory of the files before archiving them, so that the files are stored using a relative path name.

zip("", c("R", "src"))"")
#>              size isdir mode               mtime               ctime
#> 87851 FALSE  644 2019-02-23 22:02:36 2019-02-23 22:02:36
#>                           atime uid gid       uname grname
#> 2019-02-23 22:02:36 501  20 gaborcsardi  staff

Directories are added recursively by default.

zip_append() is similar to zip(), but it appends files to an existing ZIP archive.

Listing ZIP files

zip_list() lists files in a ZIP archive. It returns a data frame:

#>                filename compressed_size uncompressed_size
#> 1                    R/               0                 0
#> 2        R/assertions.R             125               296
#> 3           R/process.R            1383              4471
#> 4             R/utils.R             905              3047
#> 5               R/zip.R            2194              6763
#> 6                  src/               0                 0
#> 7            src/init.c             335               762
#> 8    src/install.libs.R             271               576
#> 9          src/Makevars             185               465
#> 10     src/             188               491
#> 11          src/miniz.c           55232            314589
#> 12          src/miniz.h           18113             66863
#> 13           src/rzip.c            2092              6344
#> 14           src/tools/               0                 0
#> 15 src/tools/cmdunzip.c             214               323
#> 16   src/tools/cmdzip.c             909              2599
#> 17            src/zip.c            3169             11295
#> 18            src/zip.h             504              1211
#>              timestamp permissions
#> 1  2019-02-23 22:00:10         755
#> 2  2019-02-22 22:11:46         644
#> 3  2019-02-23 22:00:10         644
#> 4  2019-02-22 22:27:58         644
#> 5  2019-02-23 20:35:36         644
#> 6  2019-02-23 22:02:32         755
#> 7  2019-02-22 22:11:46         644
#> 8  2019-02-23 20:35:36         644
#> 9  2019-02-23 20:35:36         644
#> 10 2019-02-23 20:35:36         644
#> 11 2019-02-23 01:38:12         755
#> 12 2019-02-22 22:11:46         644
#> 13 2019-02-23 20:35:36         644
#> 14 2019-02-23 22:02:32         755
#> 15 2019-02-23 20:35:36         644
#> 16 2019-02-23 20:35:36         644
#> 17 2019-02-23 20:35:36         644
#> 18 2019-02-23 20:35:36         644

Uncompressing ZIP files

unzip() uncompresses a ZIP archive:

exdir <- tempfile()
unzip("", exdir = exdir)
#> [1] "R"   "src"

Compressing and uncompressing in background processes

You can use the zip_process() and unzip_process() functions to create background zip / unzip processes. These processes were implemented on top of the processx::process class, so they are pollable.
