The goal of wrswoR.benchmark is to provide benchmark data for {wrswoR}, a package with different implementations of weighted random sampling without replacement.
You can install the released version of wrswoR.benchmark from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
The package contains several datasets, this is one of them:
#> # A tibble: 107,100 x 6
#> prob mix expr time r n
#> <chr> <chr> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#> 1 uniform asc crank 1596193 0.01 31
#> 2 uniform asc crank 8557 0.01 31
#> 3 uniform asc crank 6263 0.01 31
#> 4 uniform asc crank 6159 0.01 31
#> 5 uniform asc crank 5672 0.01 31
#> 6 uniform asc crank 5900 0.01 31
#> 7 uniform asc crank 5821 0.01 31
#> 8 uniform asc crank 6128 0.01 31
#> 9 uniform asc crank 5811 0.01 31
#> 10 uniform asc crank 5745 0.01 31
#> # … with 107,090 more rows