wrapr 2.0.0 2020-03-27
- Allow as_named_list to choose new names.
- Update references.
- Stricter tests on unpack/to.
- Stricter wrapr-pipe value checks.
- := for names.
- := for to/unpack.
- Don’t use := for anonymous function construction.
- Update evalb, and bquote uses including adding .(-) notation.
- Remove some obsolete methods such as CapturePipeine, as_dot_fn, UnaryFunctions/ApplyTo, and locum.
- Make pipe_impl public, and document more.
- Vectorize string interpolation and add operator versions.
- Fix description.
wrapr 1.9.6 2020-01-26
- Add dotpipe_eager_eval_*.
- Add on unpack method.
wrapr 1.9.5 2020-01-18
- remove q= from sQuote to, as that feature wasn’t added until newer Rs.
wrapr 1.9.4 2020-01-16
- tolerance on check_equiv_frames
- remove graphics dependency
- improve … check message.
wrapr 1.9.3 2019-11-03
- := for factors and logical
wrapr 1.9.2 2019-10-13
- Fix dev version at request of CRAN, appears to be instability in capturing … and passing to bquote(). https://github.com/WinVector/wrapr/blob/master/extras/wrapr_dev_CRAN_issue_2019_10_13.md
wrapr 1.9.1 2019-10-05
- Fix locum composite line printing.
- Document .()-escaping in pipe.
wrapr 1.9.0 2019-09-28
- Add locum ( https://github.com/WinVector/wrapr/blob/master/Examples/Locum/Locum.md ).
wrapr 1.8.9 2019-07-24
- More unit tests.
- Adjust license.
wrapr 1.8.8 2019-07-06
- More work with mk_formula().
wrapr 1.8.7 2019-05-23
- Better sinterp semantics (vectorize over values, not template).
- Looser checks on qchar_frame().
wrapr 1.8.6 2019-04-02
- Turn off radix sort to work around https://github.com/WinVector/wrapr/issues/9
- Make draw_frame() resistent to operator driven re-indentation.
- Add draw_framec().
wrapr 1.8.5 2019-03-24
- More tests.
- Be more careful with formals().
- Add frame checking utils.
- Doc fixes.
wrapr 1.8.4 2019-02-19
- Add run_packages_tests() and run_wrapr_tests().
- Move to RUnit tests.
- More args to clean_fit.
wrapr 1.8.3 2019-01-29
- Add string strsplit_capture() and dotsubs().
- better bquote_function() and evalb() examples.
- Allow comparisions in mk_formula(), and general improvements.
wrapr 1.8.2 2019-01-04
- Add paste(class(), collapse=" ").
- Add seqi().
- Add evalb().
wrapr 1.8.1 2018-12-13
- Fix as_fn() environment assignment.
wrapr 1.8.0 2018-12-11
- Add generic unary functions.
- Add .() pipe escaping.
- Add clean lm() and glm() fitters.
- Add split_at_brace_pairs.
- Documentation fixes.
- Error msg fix.
- Add %p%, and %.%.
wrapr 1.7.0 2018-11-15
- bquote enable qc() and other quoting methods.
- Preserve NA types in draw_frame.
- Add VectorizeM, vapplym, lapplym.
- Add bquote_function().
- Export underbar version of apply_left_default to get non-S3 version of code.
- Better string concat example.
- Add %c% and %qc%.
- Allow qc() to call c().
wrapr 1.6.3 2018-10-03
- Make sure parent.frame() is unambiguosly resovled (force()).
- qe(), qae(), qs() now return character vectors instead of lists.
- Add psagg().
- Add grepv().
- More examples in SubstitutionModes vignette (show we don’t need special pairlist case).
- Allow no-intercept version of formula.
wrapr 1.6.2 2018-09-10
- Add mk_formula().
- Documentation fixes.
- Add %in_block% operator notation.
- Add orderv().
wrapr 1.6.1 2018-08-21
- More restrictive apply_right_S4.
- Clear methods note.
wrapr 1.6.0 2018-08-01
- S4 dispatch apply_right_S4.
- split based partition_tables().
- Allow drawing of empty data.frames.
- Documentation fixes.
wrapr 1.5.1 2018-07-07
- make pipe_impl public (but keyworld internal).
- fix draw_frame quoting.
- drop old pipe fns.
wrapr 1.5.0 2018-06-13
- Rationalize and re-name pipe interfaces to apply_right and apply_left.
- Fix qc() eval environment and recursion.
- Add
coalescing operator.
- Add reduce/expand operators.
- Dot pipe tries to preserve names in function calls.
- Improve error checking and reporting.
- Add uniques().
- Add partition_tables() and execute_parallel().
wrapr 1.4.1 2018-05-17
- Move dot assignment into S3 step.
- Refine error checking.
- Minor documentation fixes.
- Fix print/visibility treatment.
- Remove special 1-key case from := .
- draw_frame NA handling.
- Add view().
wrapr 1.4.0 2018-04-03
- More tests and checks.
- Allow lookups at the top level ($, [], [[]], ::, :::, @).
- Starting enforcing strict piping rules (with usable error messages).
- Move base_fns to https://gist.github.com/JohnMount/1982127318654c8631203e5b5d4946ac and seplyr.
- Minor documentation fixes/improvements.
- Extend map_to_char() to work without names.
- wrapr_function right-dispatch falls back to pipe_step left-disptach as default.
wrapr 1.3.0 2018-03-12
- base_fns- slight stregnthenings of base operators for piping.
- draw_frame et. al.- functions for building example data.frames.
wrapr 1.2.0 2018-02-21
- Add map_upper.
- Accept x=y in qae().
- Strengthen :=.
- Add left S3 dispatch through pipe_step.
- Add right S3 dispatch through wrapr_function.
- Add match_order.
- Remove deprecated methods.
- Move mk_tmp_name_source to this package.
- Add stop_if_dot_args.
wrapr 1.1.1 2018-01-20
- Fix some null/blank substitution issues.
- Minor documentation improvements.
wrapr 1.1.0 2018-01-03
- minor doc improvements.
- fix deparse in qae() and qe().
- Deprecate ateval(), seval(), beval(), and “stringsubs”.
- add qs().
- add dereference and class-supplied function to pipes.
wrapr 1.0.2 2017-12-13
- add “to dot” pipe.
- harden := a bit.
- let qc() have names.
- add qae().
- add map_to_char().
wrapr 1.0.1 2017-11-17
- Better error msgs.
- Bit more debugging info.
- Add grepdf() and qc().
wrapr 1.0.0 2017-10-04
wrapr 0.4.2 2017-08-31
- Work on location of lambda-definition (do NOT write into environment until asked).
- Minor check fixes.
wrapr 0.4.1 2017-08-24
- Do not insist let-mapping be invertible.
- Migrate named map builder and lambda from seplyr.
wrapr 0.4.0 2017-07-22
- Allow non-strict names.
- Insist let-mapping be invertible.
wrapr 0.3.0 2017-07-08
- Introduce “dot arrow” pipe
wrapr 0.2.0 2017-07-05
- Switch to abstract syntax tree substitution.
- Allow variable swaps.
wrapr 0.1.3 2017-06-13
- More flexible treatment of
- Add non string based version of let() replacement.
wrapr 0.1.2 2017-04-13
wrapr 0.1.1 2017-03-13
wrapr 0.1.0 2017-02-10
- First version (some fns, from replyr package).