Almost all functions have been renamed to have a consistent appearance and a clearer meaning. The old functions still exist, but are deprecated now.
Renaming Overview
Old names | New names |
StartGA | init_population |
selection1 | selection |
crossover1 | crossover |
VekWinkelCalc | get_dist_angles |
calculateEn | calculate_energy |
getRects | get_grids |
BaroHoehe | barometric_height |
GridFilter | grid_area |
HexaTex | hexa_area |
InfluPoints | turbine_influences |
genAlgo | genetic_algorithm |
RandomSearch | random_search |
RandomSearchTurb | random_search_single |
RandomSearchPlot | plot_random_search |
leafPlot | plot_leaflet |
heatmapGA | plot_heatmap |
plotbeorwor | plot_development |
plotCloud | plot_cloud |
plotEvolution | plot_evolution |
plotfitnessevolution | plot_fitness_evolution |
plotparkfitness | plot_parkfitness |
plotResult | plot_result |
PlotWindfarmGA | plot_windfarmGA |
plotWindrose | plot_windrose |
The legend of plot_leaflet
now works correctly.
Some general linting / spell checking / performance optimization was done.
The Weibull Raster (for Austria) are now in a separate Github-repository, instead of being stored in the package as .rda file. I guess this never worked except on my computer.
The Corine Land Cover .tif file is also stored in that repository, as the EEA webpage did restrict downloads sometimes, which resulted in an error.
The plot_farm_3d
function has temporarily been removed from the package, as I was unhappy with the functionality, the installation of rayshader
can be tedious and turbine labels can not be displayed very accurately.
Most functions that required user-input previously used readline
which is now changed to readLines
as it allows to read from a file instead. This can be set via options(windfarmGA.connection = file())
A whole lot of tests were written.
The function genAlgo
and the plotting functions now accept SimpleFeature Polygons or coordinates in table format with long, lat or x, y column names. The terrain effect model can now be activated only by setting topograp to TRUE and it will attempt to download the land cover raster from the European Environment Agency website.
Experimental rayshader function
The output of genAlgo
or windfarmGA
can be further randomized/optimized with the following functions: - RandomSearch - RandomSearchTurb
is used to randomize all turbines of the layout
is used to randomize a single turbine
is used to plot the output of those functions, comparing them with the original result.
load(file = system.file("extdata/resultrect.rda", package = "windfarmGA"))
load(file = system.file("extdata/polygon.rda", package = "windfarmGA"))
Res = RandomSearchTurb(result = resultrect, Polygon1 = polygon, n=10)
RandomSearchPlot(resultRS = Res, result = resultrect, Polygon1 = polygon, best=2)
## Runs the same optimization, but with parallel processing and 3 cores.
result_par <- genAlgo(Polygon1 = Polygon1, GridMethod ="h", n=12, Rotor=30,
fcrR=5,iteration=10, vdirspe =,crossPart1 = "EQU",
selstate="FIX",mutr=0.8, Proportionality = 1,
SurfaceRoughness = 0.3, topograp = FALSE,
elitism=TRUE, nelit = 7, trimForce = TRUE,
referenceHeight = 50,RotorHeight = 100,
Parallel = TRUE, numCluster = 3)
PlotWindfarmGA(result = result_par, GridMethod = "h", Polygon1 = Polygon1)
result_hex <- genAlgo(Polygon1 = Polygon1, GridMethod ="h", n=12, Rotor=30,
fcrR=5,iteration=10, vdirspe =,crossPart1 = "EQU",
selstate="FIX",mutr=0.8, Proportionality = 1,
SurfaceRoughness = 0.3, topograp = FALSE,
elitism=TRUE, nelit = 7, trimForce = TRUE,
referenceHeight = 50,RotorHeight = 100)
PlotWindfarmGA(result = result_hex, GridMethod = "h", Polygon1 = Polygon1)