- convert WKT to GeoJSON and vice versa.
Inspiration partly comes from Python’s geomet/geomet - and the name from Javascript’s wellknown (it’s a good name).
There’s a family of functions that make it easy to go from familiar R objects like lists and data.frames to WKT, including:
- make a point, e.g., POINT (-116 45)
- make a multipoint, e.g., MULTIPOINT ((100 3), (101 2))
- make a linestring, e.g., LINESTRING (100 0, 101 1)
- make a polygon, e.g., POLYGON ((100 0), (101 0), (101 1), (100 0))
- make a multipolygon, e.g., MULTIPOLYGON (((30 20, 45 40, 10 40, 30 20)), ((15 5, 40 10, 10 20, 5 10, 15 5)))
The above currently accept (depending on the fxn) numeric
, list
, and data.frame
(and character
for special case of EMPTY
WKT objects).
and wkt2geojson()
cover a subset of the various formats available:
converts any geojson as a list to a WKT string (the same format )
converts any WKT string into geojson as a list. This list format for geojson can be used downstream e.g., in the leaflet
converts WKT to WKB, while wkb_wkt()
converts WKB to WKT
Stable version
Dev version
point <- list(Point = c(116.4, 45.2, 11.1))
#> [1] "POINT Z(116.4000000000000057 45.2000000000000028 11.0999999999999996)"
mp <- list(
MultiPoint = matrix(c(100, 101, 3.14, 3.101, 2.1, 2.18),
ncol = 2)
#> [1] "MULTIPOINT ((100.0000000000000000 3.1010000000000000), (101.0000000000000000 2.1000000000000001), (3.1400000000000001 2.1800000000000002))"
st <- list(
LineString = matrix(c(0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0,
0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0), ncol = 2)
geojson2wkt(st, fmt=0)
#> [1] "LINESTRING (0 0, 2 1, 4 2, 5 4)"
multist <- list(
MultiLineString = list(
matrix(c(0, -2, -4, -1, -3, -5), ncol = 2),
matrix(c(1.66, 10.9999, 10.9, 0, -31.5, 3.0, 1.1, 0), ncol = 2)
#> [1] "MULTILINESTRING ((0.0000000000000000 -1.0000000000000000, -2.0000000000000000 -3.0000000000000000, -4.0000000000000000 -5.0000000000000000), (1.6599999999999999 -31.5000000000000000, 10.9999000000000002 3.0000000000000000, 10.9000000000000004 1.1000000000000001, 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000))"
poly <- list(
Polygon = list(
matrix(c(100.001, 101.1, 101.001, 100.001, 0.001, 0.001, 1.001, 0.001),
ncol = 2),
matrix(c(100.201, 100.801, 100.801, 100.201, 0.201, 0.201, 0.801, 0.201),
ncol = 2)
#> [1] "POLYGON ((100.0010000000000048 0.0010000000000000, 101.0999999999999943 0.0010000000000000, 101.0010000000000048 1.0009999999999999, 100.0010000000000048 0.0010000000000000), (100.2009999999999934 0.2010000000000000, 100.8010000000000019 0.2010000000000000, 100.8010000000000019 0.8010000000000000, 100.2009999999999934 0.2010000000000000))"
mpoly <- list(
MultiPolygon = list(
matrix(c(100, 101, 101, 100, 0.001, 0.001, 1.001, 0.001), ncol = 2),
matrix(c(100.2, 100.8, 100.8, 100.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.2), ncol = 2)
matrix(c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 1.0), ncol = 3),
matrix(c(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 9.0), ncol = 3)
geojson2wkt(mpoly, fmt=1)
#> [1] "MULTIPOLYGON Z(((100.000 0.001 0.000, 101.000 0.001 0.000, 101.000 1.001 0.000, 100.000 0.001 0.000), (100.2 0.2 0.0, 100.8 0.2 0.0, 100.8 0.8 0.0, 100.2 0.2 0.0)), ((1.0 4.0 7.0, 2.0 5.0 8.0, 3.0 6.0 1.0), (9.0 12.0 3.0, 10.0 1.0 4.0, 11.0 2.0 9.0)))"
gmcoll <- list(
GeometryCollection = list(
list(type = 'Point', coordinates = c(0.0, 1.0)),
list(type = 'LineString', coordinates = matrix(c(0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0,
0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0),
ncol = 2)),
list(type = 'Polygon', coordinates = list(
matrix(c(100.001, 101.1, 101.001, 100.001, 0.001, 0.001, 1.001, 0.001),
ncol = 2),
matrix(c(100.201, 100.801, 100.801, 100.201, 0.201, 0.201, 0.801, 0.201),
ncol = 2)
geojson2wkt(gmcoll, fmt=0)
#> [1] "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (0 1), LINESTRING (0 0, 2 1, 4 2, 5 4), POLYGON ((100.001 0.001, 101.100 0.001, 101.001 1.001, 100.001 0.001), (100.201 0.201, 100.801 0.201, 100.801 0.801, 100.201 0.201)))"
You can convert directly from an object of class json
, which is output from jsonlite::toJSON()
(json <- toJSON(list(Point = c(-105, 39)), auto_unbox = TRUE))
#> {"Point":[-105,39]}
And you can convert from a geojson character string:
str <- '{"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[0,0,10],[2,1,20],[4,2,30],[5,4,40]]}'
#> [1] "LINESTRING Z(0 0 10, 2 1 20, 4 2 30, 5 4 40)"
As a Feature
str <- "POINT (-116.4000000000000057 45.2000000000000028)"
#> $type
#> [1] "Feature"
#> $geometry
#> $geometry$type
#> [1] "Point"
#> $geometry$coordinates
#> [1] -116.4 45.2
Not Feature
wkt2geojson(str, feature=FALSE)
#> $type
#> [1] "Point"
#> $coordinates
#> [1] -116.4 45.2
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "geojson"
str <- 'MULTIPOINT ((100.000 3.101), (101.000 2.100), (3.140 2.180))'
wkt2geojson(str, feature=FALSE)
#> $type
#> [1] "MultiPoint"
#> $coordinates
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 100.00 3.101
#> [2,] 101.00 2.100
#> [3,] 3.14 2.180
#> attr(,"class")
str <- "POLYGON ((100 0.1, 101.1 0.3, 101 0.5, 100 0.1), (103.2 0.2, 104.8 0.2, 100.8 0.8, 103.2 0.2))"
wkt2geojson(str, feature=FALSE)
#> $type
#> [1] "Polygon"
#> $coordinates
#> $coordinates[[1]]
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 100.0 0.1
#> [2,] 101.1 0.3
#> [3,] 101.0 0.5
#> [4,] 100.0 0.1
str <- "MULTIPOLYGON (((40 40, 20 45, 45 30, 40 40)),
((20 35, 45 20, 30 5, 10 10, 10 30, 20 35), (30 20, 20 25, 20 15, 30 20)))"
wkt2geojson(str, feature=FALSE)
#> $type
#> [1] "MultiPolygon"
#> $coordinates
#> $coordinates[[1]]
#> $coordinates[[1]][[1]]
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 40 40
#> [2,] 20 45
#> [3,] 45 30
wkt2geojson("LINESTRING (0 -1, -2 -3, -4 5)", feature=FALSE)
#> $type
#> [1] "LineString"
#> $coordinates
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 0 -1
#> [2,] -2 -3
#> [3,] -4 5
#> attr(,"class")
lint("POINT (1 2)")
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
lint("MULTIPOINT ((1 2), (3 4), (-10 100))")
#> [1] TRUE
lint("POLYGON((20.3 28.6, 20.3 19.6, 8.5 19.6, 8.5 28.6, 20.3 28.6))")
#> [1] TRUE
lint("MULTIPOLYGON (((30 20, 45 40, 10 40, 30 20)), ((15 5, 40 10, 10 20, 5 10, 15 5)))")
#> [1] TRUE
lint("POINT (1 2 3 4 5)")
#> [1] FALSE
lint("LINESTRING (100)")
#> [1] FALSE
lint("MULTIPOLYGON (((30 20, 45 40, 10 40, 30 20)), ((15 5, a b, 10 20, 5 10, 15 5)))")
#> [1] FALSE
## point
wkt_wkb("POINT (-116.4 45.2)")
#> [1] 01 01 00 00 00 9a 99 99 99 99 19 5d c0 9a 99 99 99 99 99 46 40
## polygon
wkt_wkb("POLYGON ((100.0 0.0, 101.1 0.0, 101.0 1.0, 100.0 0.0))")
#> [1] 01 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 59 40 00 00 00 00
#> [26] 00 00 00 00 66 66 66 66 66 46 59 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
#> [51] 40 59 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 59 40 00 00 00 00 00 00
#> [76] 00 00
## point
(x <- wkt_wkb("POINT (-116.4 45.2)"))
#> [1] 01 01 00 00 00 9a 99 99 99 99 19 5d c0 9a 99 99 99 99 99 46 40
#> [1] "POINT(-116.4 45.2)"
## polygon
(x <- wkt_wkb("POLYGON ((100.0 0.0, 101.1 0.0, 101.0 1.0, 100.0 0.0))"))
#> [1] 01 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 59 40 00 00 00 00
#> [26] 00 00 00 00 66 66 66 66 66 46 59 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
#> [51] 40 59 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 59 40 00 00 00 00 00 00
#> [76] 00 00
#> [1] "POLYGON((100 0,101.1 0,101 1,100 0))"
in R doing citation(package = 'wellknown')