This is an R WebSocket client library backed by the websocketpp C++ library. WebSocket I/O is handled on a separate thread from R.
ws <- WebSocket$new("ws://", autoConnect = FALSE)
ws$onOpen(function(event) {
cat("Connection opened\n")
ws$onMessage(function(event) {
cat("Client got msg: ", event$data, "\n")
ws$onClose(function(event) {
cat("Client disconnected with code ", event$code,
" and reason ", event$reason, "\n", sep = "")
ws$onError(function(event) {
cat("Client failed to connect: ", event$message, "\n")
(If you’re not writing these commands at a console—for instance, if you’re using a WebSocket as part of a Shiny app—you can leave off autoConnect=FALSE
and ws$connect()
. These are only necessary when the creation of the WebSocket object and the registering of the onOpen
handlers don’t happen within the same function call, because in those cases the connection may open and/or messages received before the handlers are registered.)
Once connected, you can send commands as follows:
# Send text messages
# Send binary messages
# Finish
websocket supports ws:// and wss:// URLs.
Currently we do local development by running a simple httpuv-backed WebSocket server written in R that lives at tmp/websocketServer.R
To run it, you need to install the Github version of httpuv
Note: If you want httpuv to build faster, you can create a file at ~/.Renviron with the following content:
To install the development version of httpuv, run:
Then, download the Websocket Server script and run this in a terminal:
R -e 'source("websocketServer.R"); httpuv::service(Inf)'
Finally, to test the WebSocket client, run this in R.
ws <- WebSocket$new("ws://",
headers = list(Cookie = "Xyz"),
accessLogChannels = "all" # enable all websocketpp logging
ws$onOpen(function(event) {
cat("Connection opened\n")
ws$onMessage(function(event) {
cat("Client got msg: ", event$data, "\n")
ws$onClose(function(event) {
cat("Client disconnected with code ", event$code,
" and reason ", event$reason, "\n", sep = "")
ws$onError(function(event) {
cat("Client failed to connect: ", event$message, "\n")