To cite the wdpar package in publications, use:
Hanson JO (2020). wdpar: Interface to the World Database on Protected Areas. R package version 1.0.3,
UNEP-WCMC, IUCN (2020). Protected Planet: The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA).
Please cite both the World Database on Protected Areas data set and this package.
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Manual{, author = {Jeffrey O Hanson}, title = {wdpar: Interface to the World Database on Protected Areas}, year = {2020}, note = {R package version 1.0.3}, url = {}, }
@Manual{, author = {{UNEP-WCMC} and {IUCN}}, title = {Protected Planet: The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA)}, year = {2020}, publisher = {UNEP-WCMC and IUCN}, publisheraddress = {Cambridge, UK}, url = {}, }