Added a new parameter, arrowhead
, to specify the type of arrowhead (or none
Added summary variable specification !=
Sebastian Gatscha added Shiny functionality and the svg-pan-zoom JavaScript library. The following functions were added: init_js
, inlineCssSetup
, renderVtree
, use_svgzoom
, vtreeOutput
New function svtree
uses Shiny functionality.
Modified outputs of vtree
to make it work better.
Thanks to knitr::asis_output()
, calling vtree
from R Markdown when generating a PNG file has been simplified.
Specifying showvarinnode=TRUE
shows variable name in each node.
When no variable list is specified, vtree
reports included variables, excluded discrete variables, other excluded variables.
Fixed a bug with missing value nodes.
Fixed problem with return value when running chunk from R Studio.
Fixed a bug that occurred when pattern=TRUE
and a single variable was specified.
Fixed a bug that occurred when showvarnames=FALSE
but labelvar
was set.
The keep
parameter will not prune missing value nodes when vp=TRUE
There is a new summary code, %sum%
, to show the sum of values.
parameter to remove nodes with small counts.
In variable specifications, *
matches multiple variable name endings and #
matches variable names ending with numeric digits.
When called while knitting an R Markdown document, PNG files are now automatically generated and embedded.
disables PNG generation while knitting. Returns an htmlwidget
The new function VennTable
reformats a pattern table output by vtree
for indicator (0/1) variables.
The new function
makes it easy to create a data frame for use with vtree.
If no variable names are provided, vtree
will use, in order, all of the variables in the data frame.
Multi-variable calculations like x/y
can be used in the argument of the summary
now uses pattern=TRUE
by default.
Changed the meaning of the %node%
summary code, which had previously (and confusingly!) been used to specify the variable in whose nodes summary information should be shown. Now %node=n%
specifies node n
and %var=v%
specifies variable v
Additional text produced by text
or ttext
or summary
now starts on the same line as the number of observations and percentage. In order to put this text on a new line, it must begin with \n
When seq=TRUE
the first-level nodes are ordered from least frequent sequence to most frequent sequence. (The same applies for the new pattern
Extensive revisions to the vignette.
parameter for unordered sequences of variables
parameter to generate pattern tables
Variable specification modifiers: stem:
for REDCap checkboxes,
, variable=value
, variable<value
, variable>value
, tri:
parameter: When REDCap checklists are specified using the stem:
syntax, automatically extract the names of choices and use them as variable names.
summary code to show percentage (not frequency)
summary code to separate items with a new line (unlike %list% which uses commas).
Summary variable specification modifiers: variable=value
, variable<value
, variable>value
parameter: targeted node labels
parameter: targeted text
New function crosstabToCases
to convert crosstabulated data to a data frame of cases
parameter to control which nodes show summaries depending on node contents
parameter to specify additional variables that need to be available to execute the functions in runsummary
, varminheight
parameters to control node sizes for specified variables
parameter to control vertical justification for nodes of specified variables
This is a major release that incorporates several new features.
Automatic variable coloring using gradients.
More compact display (reduced node separation and tighter margins).
The color of the root node can be specified using the rootfillcolor
All missing-value nodes are colored white by default. This can be changes using the NAfillcolor
By default, the root node now has no title.
NOTE Display from version 0.1.4 can be obtained by specifying plain=TRUE
. This sets:
variable-specific shades of blue
greater node separation
wider margins
missing-value nodes have the same color (shade of blue) as all other nodes at that level
is now deprecated. Use showvarnames
Legends, with marginal frequencies and percentages.
To put node labels on the same line as frequencies and percentages, specify sameline=TRUE
A new parameter, squeeze
takes a value between 0 and 1, and controls how the tightly-packed the display is.
“Sequences” of variables can be displayed by specifying seq=TRUE
Additional summary
codes: %node=n%
to show summary information only in specified node. %trunc=n%
to truncate the summary to the first n characters.
Settings for multi-way intersections can be specified with Venn=TRUE
, nodeattr
, and edgeattr
parameters allow additional Graphviz attributes to be set.
Other new parameters: palette
, gradient
, revgradient
, singlecolor
, showpct
, showlpct
, showcount
, varnamepointsize
, lsplitwidth
, margin
, showempty
, prunelone