The ‘vqtl’ package conducts QTL mapping using an elaboration of the traditional Haley-Knott model. It uses the double generalized linear model (DGLM) to model systematic effects on mean and variance. These systematic effects can be both “nuisance effects” that are uninteresting per se, but are valuable to “correct for” as well as genetic effects which are of immediate interest.
You can install the current stable version of vqtl
from CRAN with:
You can install newer version from github with:
First we’ll simulate an rross
object, using a utility from qtl
. Note that we load library qtl
before library vqtl
. This is necessary so that vqtl::scanonevar
overrides qtl::scanonevar
and not the other way around.
#> Attaching package: 'vqtl'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:qtl':
#> scanonevar
test.cross <- qtl::sim.cross(map = = rep(20, 5), eq.spacing = FALSE))
We’ll create two additional columns in the phenotype dataframe and calculate genotype probabilities at each pseudolocus using the Hidden Markov Model provided by qtl
test.cross[['pheno']][['sex']] <- sample(x = c(0, 1),
size = qtl::nind(test.cross),
replace = TRUE)
test.cross[['pheno']][['sire']] <- factor(x = sample(x = 1:5,
size = qtl::nind(test.cross),
replace = TRUE))
test.cross <- qtl::calc.genoprob(cross = test.cross, step = 2)
Now that we have a cross
object that’s ready for analysis, we can use the scanonevar
function to conduct a genome scan using the DGLM. Note that we use two formulas – one for the mean and one for the variancee.
The mean formula must have one variable to the left of the ~
and that variable must be in cross$pheno
. The mean and variance formula can have any number of variables to the right of the ~
. Valid variables are (a) in cross$pheno
, (b) the name of a marker, or (c) a special keyword.
The special keywords for mean.formula are mean.QTL.add
and mean.QTL.dom
. The special keywords for var.formula are var.QTL.add
and var.QTL.dom