An R package for Post Vortex Simulation Analysis.
Using this package, data of population viability analysis (PVA) generated with the software Vortex (Lacy & Pollak 2013) can be collated, plotted and analysed using basic (e.g. pairwise comparisons of scenarios) or more advanced statistics (e.g. fitting regression models).
The stable version of vortexR
can be installed with:
The latest development versions of vortexR
and its supplementary data package vortexRdata
can be installed with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Fresh Windows installations of R will require Rtools for Windows.
If installation with build_vignette=TRUE
fails, you can run install_github("carlopacioni/vortexR")
The packages glmulti
and rJava
require a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed and registered correctly with R. Make sure to install a 64-bit JDK if you are using a 64-bit version of R.
A typical installation path for Java-based packages like glmulti
in a GNU/Linux-based operating system (here: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) along the lines of DigitalOcean’s tutorial:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
and verify with java -version
sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
to your preferred Java installation: (here we use /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre) by appending the line JAVA_PATH=/path/to/your/Java/binary
to /etc/environment
: sudo echo "JAVA_PATH=\"/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre\"" >> /etc/environment
source /etc/environment
to instantly export the new environment variable JAVA_HOME
prints the /path/to/your/Java/binary
sudo R CMD javareconf
with install.packages("rJava")
with install.packages("glmulti")
Independently of vortexR, a sudo R CMD javareconf
(and possibly the installation of rJava
and Java-using packages like glmulti
) will be required after each update of R and / or your Java installation.
A typical installation under Windows could follow:
(Windows 10 tutorial, Windows 7 tutorial), verify on Command Prompt (Win + r, “cmd”, Enter): echo %JAVA_HOME%
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_02\jre\lib\ext
Control Panel ---> System --> Advanced Settings ---> Environment Variables
. Your path should include the directories: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\server
and the R installation directory, e.g. C:\Revolution\R-Enterprise-7.3\R-3.1.1\bin\x64
are BOTH set and point to the R installation directory, e.g. C:\Revolution\R-Enterprise-7.3\R-3.1.1\bin\x64
and glmulti
If you have still problem installing and loading glmulti
package and/or rJava
, you may not have Java installed or are not using the same Java version as R. Make sure that if you are using a 64-bit version of R, you also have installed a 64 bit version of Java (most automatic installation via web browser will install a 32-bit version).
Your mileage may vary depending on your operating system and your versions of Java and R. Stack Overflow’s R community is a great source for troubleshooting.
Use ??vortexR
to see a broad description of the package. Use help(package = "vortexR")
to see the documentations available. Read the vignette for a more comprehensive description of the package. Be aware, if you did not use build_vignette=TRUE
this documentation may not be available from within R. In these cases, download the PDF of these documents. On some platforms, ??vortexR
may not work even if you used build_vignette=TRUE
If you use vortexR
, please use the citation generated from citation('vortexR')
We are happy to receive feedback and contributions through bug reports and pull requests.
We aim to follow the style suggestions by formatR::tidy_dir("R", width.cutoff = 79)
, lintr::lint_package()
, and devtools::check(check_version = T, force_suggests = T, cran = T)
In a new environment, e.g. after an upgrade of R, running the tests could require to install vortexR’s dependencies with install.packages("vortexR", dependencies = T)
Note on R 3.4.0: update lintr to solve bug roxygen #627.
The static HTML behind the GitHub pages is built with pkgdown
The documentation should be re-built before each submission.