Patch release to align some path handling internals with an update coming in the fs package.
is a bit more clever about remotes (e.g. origin
vs. upstream
), which makes it easier to make a PR that adds GitHub links for a package you’ve forked.
now .gitignore
s the destination directory and only adds the destination directory to the config file if it departs from the default (which is docs/
is now deprecated in favour of use_tidy_github_actions()
is a new intermediate workflow that checks on more platforms than _release
, but is less exhaustive than _full
now uses an MIT license (@topepo, #1096).
New use_github_actions()
, use_github_action_check_release()
, use_github_action_check_full()
, use_github_action_pr_commands()
, to set up GitHub Actions for a package (@jimhester).
We now recommend GitHub Actions instead of Travis-CI or AppVeyor, and strongly recommend upgrading your packages.
Fix use_github_action()
URL parameter to ensure custom URLs are allowed. (@coatless, #1065).
gains a roxygen
argument. If TRUE
(the default), it adds a RoxygenNote
field to the DESCRIPTION
(which means the first run of devtools::check()
will re-document the package, #963), and creates an empty NAMESPACE
(which means you’ll always need an explicit @export
if you want to export functions, #927). It also turns markdown processing on by default (#911).
now sets the LineEndingConversion
to Posix
so that packages created using usethis always use LF line endings, regardless of who contributes to them (#1002).
In the usethis.description
option, you can now set Authors@R = person()
directly, without having to wrap in additional layer of quotes. If setting this in your .Rprofile
, you’ll need to use utils::person()
since the utils package isn’t loaded until after your profile is executed.
A new article Pull request helpers demonstrates how to use the pr_*()
functions (@mine-cetinkaya-rundel, #802).
checks that you don’t have any local changes (#805), and can optionally finish any PR, not just the current (#1040).
and pr_fetch()
now automatically pull to get latest changes (#959, #960) and refresh RStudio’s git pane (#706).
now works for a repository with no open pull requests (@maurolepore, #990).
gives more information about which files have merge conflicts and automatically opens conflicted files for editing (#1056).
New rename_files()
makes it easy to rename paired R/
and test/
files (#784).
New ui_silence()
makes it easier to selectively silence some UI output.
New use_agpl3_license()
(@pachamaltese, #870).
New use_data_table()
to set up a package for Import-ing data.table
(@michaelchirico, #897).
replaces use_tidy_version()
as the new name better reflect its usage (#771).
New use_lifecycle()
helper to import the lifecycle badges for functions and arguments in your package. Learn more at
will include additional bullets if your package includes release_bullets()
function which returns a character vector (and the package has been loaded with load_all()
) (#941).
When writing files, usethis now respects line endings. Default line endings are taken from the .Rproj
file (if available), otherwise the DESCRIPTION
, otherwise the first file found in R/
, then all else failing to your platform default (#767). It should do a better job of preserving UTF-8 files on windows (#969).
now always goes to the canonical GitHub site:
. This is slightly worse than the current behaviour but makes the function more consistent across packages, and considerably simplifies the implementation.
opens the project dashboard on Circle CI.
is a new helper for making “ZIP file download” URLs suitable for use with use_course()
and use_zip()
, starting with the URLs that mere mortals can usually get their hands on in a browser (@fmichonneau, #406).
no longer fails partway through if you have a malformed usethis.description
option (#961).
will now create a package in a symlink to a directory (#794).
and use_description()
gain a check_name
argument to control whether to check for package names invalid for CRAN (@noamross, #883).
and use_test()
gain an open
parameter that allows you to control whether or not the function is opened for editing by the user (#817).
makes it more clear which snippet types are allowed and that user’s snippets mask the built-in snippets (@GegznaV, #885).
now reports project-specific user name and email, if set (#837), and email(s) associated with your GitHub account (@dragosmg, #724).
and ui_nope()
allow you to override the default “yes” and “no” strings and to opt-out of shuffling (@rundel, #796).
uses correct delimiters in template (@jdblischak, #835).
is now exported (@pat-s, #920).
now generates an absolute link to code of conduct on pkgdown website or original source to avoid R CMD check issues (#772).
and use_zip()
are now equipped with some retry capability, to cope with intermittent failure or the need for a longer connect timeout (#988).
automatically bumps R dependency to 2.10 (#962).
template quotes the dataset name correctly (#736, @mitchelloharawild).
now shows the default fields combined with any options that you have set.
now supports packages installed from any remote type, not just GitHub (@antoine-sachet, #1071).
will now create initial commit if needed (#852).
no longer fails if you have no news bullets (#1048).
now tags the latest local commit instead of the latest remote commit on the default branch (@davidchall, #1029).
now completes the license by providing additional information in a file named LICENSE, just like use_mit_license()
and friends (@Cervangirard, #683).
now generates the correct href if the pkgdown url
is set (@mitchelloharawild, #986).
gains missing closing parenthesis (@ryapric, #804).
no longer uses an unexported function in its default arguments (@fmichonneau, #761).
and use_test()
now work in projects, not just packages (#1017).
works on Windows when called without arguments (#901).
uses current github format (@Maschette, #756).
, use_travis_badge()
, and browse_travis()
, now default to ext = "com"
since is now recommended it over (@riccardoporreca, #1038).
reminds you to re-generate
, if needed (#767).
and use_test()
throw a clear error if multiple names are provided (@strboul, #862).
and use_c()
now ensure src/
contains at least one .cpp
or .c
placeholder file, so that the package can be built (@coatless, #720).
is a new option that is consulted when deciding where to put a new folder created by use_course()
or create_from_github()
(@malcolmbarrett, #1015).
New Imports: cli, rematch2, rlang.
gh minimum version is bumped to v.1.1.0, due to changed behaviour around requests that return nothing.
clisymbols is removed from Imports.
This is a patch release with various small features and bug fixes.
or the tidy eval toolkit in your packageThe templates used by use_pipe()
and use_tidy_eval()
use a more robust form of cross-reference links, linking to files rather than topics. This should silence some warnings seen on Windows at install time (#730, #731 @jmgirard).
gains a logical export
argument, so it can do the setup necessary to use the pipe operator when it is re-exported (export = TRUE
, which is the default and preserves the previous behaviour) and when it is not (export = FALSE
) (#783).
removes newline \n
characters from the description that can cause the initial push to fail (#493, @muschellij2).
gives better feedback if we can’t validate the GitHub PAT (#725, @ijlyttle).
sets remote tracking branch of master
to upstream/master
, when it creates (and clones) a fork (#792).
can switch back to master even if there is no remote tracking branch (#715, @cderv).
is updated for R 3.6, meaning that R 3.2 is the oldest version of R supported through proactive testing.
and use_jenkins()
add a Makefile and Jenkinsfile, respectively (#501, @ryapric).
creates a .circleci/config.yaml
config file for CircleCI (#703, @jdblischak).
is a new variant of use_course()
that downloads and unpacks a ZIP file, with less pedantic behaviour re: the destination directory. Both functions now also work for ZIP files with MIME type "application/x-zip-compressed"
can detect "(development version)"
in a NEWS header and update it with an actual version (#768, @DavisVaughan).
R 3.1 is no longer explicitly supported or tested. Our general practice is to support the current release (3.6, at time of writing), devel, and the 4 previous versions of R (3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2).
fs minimum version is stated to be v1.3.0.
glue minimum version is stated to be v1.3.0.
usethis gains several functions to inspect and manipulate the Git situation for the current project = repository. We also provide more control and visibility into git2r’s workings, especially around credentials (usethis uses git2r for all Git operations).
lets you know what’s up with your Git, git2r and GitHub config (#328).
vaccinates your global (i.e. user-level) git ignore file. It adds standard entries for R users, such as .Rhistory
and .Rdata
. This decreases the chance that you commit and push files containing confidential information (#469).
and use_git_remote()
are new helpers to inspect or modify Git remote URLs for the repo associated with the active project (#649).
+ use_git_protocol()
and git_credentials()
+ use_git_credentials()
are new helpers to summon or set Git transport protocol (SSH or HTTPS) or git2r credentials, respectively. These functions are primarily for internal use. Most users can rely on default behaviour. Use these helpers to intervene if git2r isn’t discovering the right credentials (#653). usethis honors the usethis.protocol
option, which allows you to express a general preference for SSH vs. HTTPS.
Other improvements and bug fixes:
tries harder but also fails earlier, with more informative messages, making it less likely to leave the repo partially configured (#221).
and create_from_github()
gain a protocol
argument (#494, @cderv).
pulls from upstream master in a fork (#695, @ijlyttle).
creates a GitHub issue containing a release checklist, reflecting the standard practices of the tidyverse team (#338).
creates a draft GitHub release using the entries in
creates a gitlab-ci.yaml
config file for GitLab CI (#565, @overmar).
now invisibly returns the previous values of the settings.
has been rewritten be more flexible. You can now supply a repo name, and descriptions
, and you can set colours/descriptions independently of creating labels. You can also rename
existing labels (#290).
We’ve added experimental functions to work with GitHub pull requests. They are aimed at both a maintainer (who may make, review, and modify pull requests) and a contributor (who may make or explore pull requests).
includes a section at the end aimed at describing “pull request readiness”. Expect that to develop and expand.
, pr_fetch()
, pr_push()
, pr_pull()
, pr_finish()
, and pr_view()
constitute the new family of helpers. They are designed to be smart about the significance of remotes with the standard names of origin
and upstream
and to facilitate both internal and external pull requests.
usethis gains tooling to manage part of a file. This is currently used for managing badges in your README and roxygen import tags:
and friends now automatically add badges if your README contains a specially formatted badge block (#497):
<-- badge:start -->
<-- badge:end -->
and use_rcpp()
automatically add roxygen tags to to {package}-package.R
if it contains a specially formatted namespace block (#517):
Unfortunately this means that use_rcpp()
no longer supports non-roxygen2 workflows, but I suspect the set of people who use usethis and Rcpp but not roxygen2 is very small.
New proj_activate()
lets you activate a project, either opening a new RStudio session (if you use RStudio) or changing the working directory (#511).
and proj_set()
no longer have a quiet
argument. The user-facing message about setting a project is now under the same control as other messages, i.e. getOption("usethis.quiet", default = FALSE)
A new set of ui_*()
functions makes it possible to give your own code the same user interface as usethis (#308). All use the glue and crayon and packages to power easy interpolation and formatting. There are four families of functions:
, ui_done()
, ui_todo()
, ui_oops()
, ui_info()
, ui_warn()
, ui_nope()
, ui_value()
, ui_path()
, ui_code()
and local_project()
are new withr-style functions to temporarily set an active usethis project. They make usethis functions easier to use in an ad hoc fashion or from another package (#441).
These standards are (aspirationally) used by all tidyverse packages; you are welcome to use them if you find them helpful.
Call use_tidy_labels()
to update GitHub labels. Colours are less saturated, docs is now documentation, we use some emoji, and performance is no longer automatically added to all repos (#519). Repo specific issues should be given colour #eeeeee
and have an emoji.
Call use_logo()
to update the package logo to the latest specifications: man/figure/logo.png
should be 240 x 278, and README should contain <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" height="139" />
. This gives a nicer display on retina displays. The logo is also linked to the pkgdown site if available (#536).
When creating a new package, use create_tidy_package()
to start with a package following the tidyverse standards (#461).
for the development version should use “(development version)” rather than the specific version (#440).
pkgdown sites should now be built by travis and deployed automatically to GitHub pages. use_pkgdown_travis()
will help you set that up.
When starting the release process, call use_release_issue()
to create a release checklist issue (#338).
Prior to CRAN submission call use_tidy_release_test_env()
to update the test environment section in cran-comments()
After acceptance, try use_github_release()
to automatically create a release. It’s created as a draft so you have a chance to look over before publishing.
includes the a standard initialisation chunk with knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE)
which should be used for all Rmds.
(#624), use_conflicted()
(#362), and use_reprex()
(#465) help add useful packages to your .Rprofile
helps the user add a standard warning block to .Rprofile
opens .Rbuildignore
for manual editing (#462, @bfgray3).
automates set up of the LGL license (#448, @krlmlr).
adds a CCBY 4.0 license (#547, @njtierney).
and use_rcpp_eigen()
set up a package to use RcppArmadillo or RcppEigen, respectively (#421, @coatless, @duckmayr).
sets up src/
and creates src/foo.c
makes it easy to ignore files in test coverage (#434).
helps you set up pkgdown for automatic build-and-deploy from Travis-CI to GitHub Pages (#524).
does setup for RStudio addins (#353, @haozhu233).
creates a new interactive R Markdown tutorial, as implemented by the learnr
package (@angela-li, #645).
creates articles, vignettes that are automatically added to .Rbuildignore
. These appear on pkgdown sites, but are not included with the package itself (#281).
creates a basic CITATION
template and puts it in the right place (#100).
appends the novel lines
, but does not remove duplicates from existing lines (#583, @khailper).
now creates src/foo.cpp
gains a version
argument and defaults to serialization format version 2 (#675).
accepts a name for the to-be-prepared dataset and opens a templated R script (#646).
now falls back to CRAN organisation (with a warning) if package doesn’t have its own GitHub repo (#186).
restore the active project if they error part way through, and use proj_activate()
(#453, #511).
and edit_r_environ()
now respect environment variables R_PROFILE_USER
, respectively (#480).
once again prints the generated description (#287).
is no longer sensitive to whitespace, which allows use_vignette()
to work even if the VignetteBuilder
field is spread over multiple lines (#439).
can override existing logo if user gives permission (#454). It also produces retina appropriate logos by default, and matches the aspect ratio to the specification (#499).
will optionally commit.
gains a min_version
argument to specify a minimum version requirement (#498). Set to TRUE
to use the currently installed version (#386). This is used by use_tidy_eval()
in order to require version 0.1.2 or greater of rlang (#484).
is now configurable with site options (@jayhesselberth, #467), and no longer creates the docs/
directory (#495).
no longer forces the filename to be lowercase (#613, @stufield).
will not include a context()
in the generated file if used with testthat 2.1.0 and above (the future release of testthat) (#325).
sets the Encoding
(#502, @krlmlr).
re-exports :=
(#595, @jonthegeek).
has source argument so that you can choose to use local or CRAN versions (#309).
gains an ext
argument, defaulting to "org"
. Use ext = "com"
(@cderv, #500).
asks before committing.
now has a title
argument which is used in YAML header (in the two places where it is needed). The vignettes also lose the default author and date fields (@rorynolan, #445), and the R Markdown starter material. They gain a standard setup chunk.
now creates a standard “(development version)” heading in
now checks if the vignette name is valid (starts with letter and consists of letters, numbers, hyphen, and underscore) and throws an error if not (@akgold, #555).
now returns FALSE
in RStudio if no project is open, fixing an issue that caused errors in helpers that suggest restarting RStudio (@gadenbuie, #571).
withr moves from Suggests to Imports.
purrr and yaml are new in Imports.
All usethis file system operations now use the fs package (#177). This should not change how usethis functions, but users may notice these features of fs-mediated paths:
is the path separator and there are never multiple or trailing /
(typical of Unix-oriented tools, like Git and ssh; also matches Python), as opposed to C:\Users\username\Documents
(R’s default on Windows). Read more in fs::path_expand()
.These changes make it easier for others to extend usethis, i.e. to create workflow packages specific to their organization, or to use usethis in other packages.
is newly exported. Use it to build paths within the active project. Like proj_get()
and proj_set()
, it is not aimed at end users, but rather for use in extension packages. End users should use rprojroot or its simpler companion, here, to programmatically detect a project and build paths within it (#415, #425).
, write_over()
, and write_union()
are newly exported helpers. They are mostly for internal use, but can also be useful in packages that extend or customize usethis (#344, #366, #389).use_template()
no longer errors when a user chooses not to overwrite an existing file and simply exits with confirmation that the file is unchanged (#348, #350, @boshek).
getOption("usethis.quiet", default = FALSE)
is consulted when printing user-facing messages. Set this option to TRUE
to suppress output, e.g., to use usethis functions quietly in another package. For example, use withr::local_options(list(usethis.quiet = TRUE))
in the calling function (#416, #424).
reports current working directory, the active usethis project, and the active RStudio Project. Call this function if things seem weird and you’re not sure what’s wrong or how to fix it. Designed for interactive use and debugging, not for programmatic use (#426).
does minimum setup necessary for a package that returns or exports a tibble. For example, this guarantees a tibble will print as a tibble (#324 @martinjhnhadley).
resizes and adds a logo to a package (#358, @jimhester).
adds a whitelist of words and a unit test to spell check package documentation during R CMD check
(#285 @jeroen).
usethis has a new logo! (#429)
reports progress during download (#276, #380).
only makes an initial commit of all files if user gives explicit consent (#378).
: the repo
argument is renamed to repo_spec
, since it takes input of the form “OWNER/REPO” (#376).
is defunct. The Depsy project has officially concluded and is no longer being maintained (#354).
fails earlier, with a more informative message, in the absence of a GitHub personal access token (PAT). Also looks for the PAT more proactively in the usual environment variables (i.e., GITHUB_PAT, GITHUB_TOKEN) (#320, #340, @cderv).
The logic for setting DESCRIPTION fields in create_package()
and use_description()
got a Spring Cleaning. Fields directly specified by the user take precedence, then the named list in getOption("usethis.description")
is consulted, and finally defaults built into usethis. use_description_defaults()
is a new function that reveals fields found in options and built into usethis. Options specific to one DESCRIPTION field, e.g. devtools.desc.license
, are no longer supported. Instead, use a single named list for all fields, preferably stored in an option named "usethis.description"
is still consulted for backwards compatibility). (#159, #233, #367)
New Imports: fs, glue, utils
No longer in Imports: backports, httr, rematch2, rmarkdown (moved to Suggests), styler (moved to Suggests)
usethis has a website: (#217). It includes an article with advice on system setup, for usethis and for R development more generally.
functions now return the target path, invisibly (#255).
edit_git_ignore(scope = "user")
prefers ~/.gitignore
, but detects an existing ~/.gitignore_global
, if it exists. If a new global gitignore file is created, it is created as ~/.gitignore
and recorded in user’s git config as the core.excludesfile
gains several arguments and new functionality. The protocol
argument lets user convey whether remote URLs should be ssh or https. In the case of “fork and clone”, the original repo is added as upstream
remote. It is now possible – although rarely necessary – to directly specify the GitHub PAT, credentials (in git2r form), and GitHub host (#214, #214, #253).
can create or update the colour of arbitrary GitHub issue labels, defaulting to a set of labels and colours used by the tidyverse packages, which are now exposed via tidy_labels()
. That set now includes the labels “good first issue” and “help wanted” (#168, #249).
no longer reverses the repo’s URL and image link. Corrects the markdown produced by use_appveyor_badge()
(#240, @llrs).
uses an HTTPS URL for the CRAN badge image (#235, @jdblischak).
and create_project()
return a normalized path, even if target directory does not pre-exist (#227, #228).
can set user’s Git name or email, globally or locally in a project/repo (#267).
goes to the webpage where a GitHub user can create a personal access token (PAT) for the GitHub API. If the user configures a PAT, they can use functions like create_from_github()
and use_github()
to easily create and connect GitHub repos to local projects. (#248, #257, @jeroen, via @jennybc).
increments the version of the active package, including an interactive chooser. use_dev_version()
is now a special case wrapper around this. (#188, #223, @EmilHvitfeldt).
creates a standard set of files that make a GitHub repository more navigable for users and contributors: an issue template, contributing guidelines, support documentation, and a code of conduct. All are now placed in a .github/
subdirectory (#165, @batpigandme).
creates a Bioconductor badge that links to the build report (#271, @LiNk-NY).
creates a badge indicating the repository can be launched in an executable environment via Binder (#242, @uribo).
downloads a folder’s worth of materials from a ZIP file, with deliberate choices around the default folder name and location. Developed for use at the start of a workshop. Helps participants obtain materials from, e.g., a DropBox folder or GitHub repo (#196).
provides a way to opt in to an RStudio workflow where the user’s workspace is neither saved nor reloaded between R sessions. Automated for scope = "project"
. Provides UI instructions for scope = "user"
, for now (#139).
styles an entire project according to (#72, #197 @lorenzwalthert).
GitHub conventions common to tidyverse packages are enacted by use_tidy_contributing()
, use_tidy_issue_template()
, and use_tidy_support()
(@batpigandme, #143, #166).
Other changes
New projects that don’t exhibit other obvious criteria for being a “project” will include a sentinel, empty file named .here
, so they can be recognized as a project.
Project launching and switching works on RStudio server (#115, #129).
is newly exported, so that other packages can provide templating functions using this framework (@ijlyttle #120).
and use_readme_md()
work, in a similar fashion, for projects that are and are not a package (#131, #135).
once again creates a pre-commit git hook, to help keep README.Rmd
in sync (@PeteHaitch #41).
Substantial increase in unit test coverage.
, browse_github_issues()
, browse_github_pulls()
, browse_cran()
and browse_travis()
open useful websites related to the current project or a named package. (#96, #103).
creates a project from an existing GitHub repository, forking if needed (#109).
applies a CC0 license, particularly appropriate for data packages (#94)
creates a badge describing current stage in project lifecycle (#48).
creates the basics needed for a pkgdown website (#88).
creates and edit R/foo.R
file. If you have a test file open, use_r()
will open the corresponding .R
file (#105).
sets minimum version requirement for all dependencies.
now correctly updates the Version
field in a package description file. (@tjmahr, #104)
now also git-ignores the SQLite database (#107).
has been tweaked to reflect current guidance (#106)
This is a new package that extracts out many functions that previously lived in devtools, as well as providing more building blocks so you can create your own helpers. As well as the many new helpers listed below, there are three main improvements to the package:
usethis is gradually evolving towards supporting more general R “projects”, not just packages. This is still a work in progress, so please let me know if you use a function that you think should work with projects but doesn’t. You can also try out the new create_project()
which creates a basic RStudio project.
The concept of the working directory and the “base path” have been refined. Rather than using an argument to specify the active project, all use_
functions now use a global active project setting, as returned by proj_get()
. This is cached throughout a session, although it will be updated by create_package()
and create_project()
. You’ll now get an clear error if you attempt to use_something()
outside of a project, and create_something()
will warn if you’re trying to create inside an existing project.
The output from all usethis commands has been reviewed to be informative but not overwhelming. usethis takes advantage of colour (using crayon and RStudio 1.1) to help chunk the output and clearly differentiate what you need to do vs. what has been done for you.
if you want to use the Apache 2.0 license.
allows including a Depsy badge (@gvegayon, #68).
works like use_package()
but also adds the repo to the Remotes
field (#32).
will automatically set up a standard set of labels, optionally removing the default labels (#1).
creates a template to use magrittr’s %>%
in your package (#15).
which sets up travis and codecov using the tidyverse conventions (#14)
puts description fields in a standard order and alphabetises dependencies.
imports and re-exports the recommend set of tidy eval helpers if your package uses tidy eval (#46).
opens your .Rprofile
and gives you the code to copy and paste in.
A new class of functions make it easy to edit common config files:
opens .Rprofile
opens .Renviron
opens .R/Makevars
opens .gitconfig
opens .gitignore
opens ~/R/snippets/{type}.snippets
now sets a default threshold of 1% to try and reduce false positives (#8).
now sets ByteCompile: true
so you can benefit from the byte compiler (#29)
The license functions (use_mit_license()
, use_apl2_license()
, and use_gpl3_license()
) save a copy of the standard license text in
, which is then added to .Rbuildignore
. This allows you to follow standard licensing best practices while adhering to CRANs requirements (#10).
uses more a modern roxygen2 template that requires less duplication.
will use the name of the currently open file in RStudio if you don’t supply an explicit name (#89).
now puts images in man/figures/
and no longer adds to .Rbuildgnore
. This ensures that the rendered
will also work on CRAN (#16, #19). The first chunk now uses include = FALSE
and is named setup (#19).
creates structure for use with revdepcheck package, the preferred way to run revdepchecks. (#33)
New use_badge()
for adding any badge to a README. Now only prints a todo message if the badge does not already exist.
is now exported (#27).
Functions which require code to be copied now automatically put the code on the clipboard if it is available (#52).
no longer creates a dependency on the current version of
now strips trailing /
will restart RStudio if needed (and possible) (#42).
now has an organisation parameter so you can create repos in organisations (#4).
and use_test()
now convert title to a slug that only contains lowercase letters, numbers, and -
now adds *.html
and *.R
to your .gitgnore
so you don’t accidentally add in compiled vignette products (#35).
and use_appveyor_badge()
are now exported functions, so they can be used even if ci was separately set up (#765, @smwindecker).