Examples with outcomes in {0,1}
# Generate feature data
n = 2000; p = 10
X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
X.test = matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
# Case 1: randomized control trial, treatment propensity is feature independent and equal
# for treatment and control cases, 50-50
# Treatment/Response Train/Test
W = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
W.test = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
Y = rl(rl(X[,1]) * W - rl(X[,3]) * W + rnorm(n))
Y.test = rl(rl(X.test[,1]) * W.test - rl(X.test[,3]) * W.test + rnorm(n))
tau.forest = causal_forest(X, Y, W)
tau.hat = predict(tau.forest, X.test)
plue = plUpliftEval(W.test, Y.test, tau.hat$predictions)
show_practical_max = TRUE,
show_theoretical_max = TRUE,
show_no_dogs = TRUE,
## [1] "plotting: cgains"

## $Q_max
## [1] 0.3830927
## $overall_lift
## [1] -0.013
## $Q_practical_max
## [1] 0.2499577
## $Q_qini
## [1] 0.05521675
## $max_qini
## [1] 0.077
## $q1_qini
## [1] 0.1441342
## $q2_qini
## [1] 0.2209043
# Case 2: randomized control trial, treatment propensity is feature independent but unequal
# for treatment and control cases, 80-20
# Treatment/Response Train/Test
W = rbinom(n, 1, 0.8)
W.test = rbinom(n, 1, 0.8)
Y = rl(rl(X[,1]) * W - rl(X[,3]) * W + rnorm(n))
Y.test = rl(rl(X.test[,1]) * W.test - rl(X.test[,3]) * W.test + rnorm(n))
table(W.test, Y.test)
## Y.test
## W.test 0 1
## 0 211 211
## 1 782 796
## 0 1
## 422 1578
## [1] "plotting: cgains"